Scientific Computing and Matrix Computations Seminar

Organized by James Demmel and Ming Gu

Fall 2011

Wednesdays 12:10-1:00PM in 380 Soda Hall.

Past Seminars

Current Schedule

Date Speaker Affiliation Talk
Aug. 31 Amal Khabou
Universit\'{e} Paris Sud 11 - INRIA Saclay, France
CALU_PRR: a communication avoiding LU factorization algorithm with Panel Rank Revealing Pivoting.
Sept. 7 Gautam Wilkins
Finding zeros of single-variable real-valued functions. Slides available.

Sept. 14 Jiawang Nie
Jacobian SDP Relaxation for Polynomial Optimization
Sept. 21
Lin Lin
Numerical algorithms for the electronic structure analysis .
Sept. 28
Ming Gu
UC Berkeley
Low-Rank Matrix Approximations and Randomized Sampling
Oct. 5
Jim Demmel
UC Berkeley
More Recent Progress on Communication-Avoiding Algorithms
Oct. 12
Michael Mahoney
Stanford University
Linear Algebra and Machine Learning of Large Informatics Graphs
Oct. 19
Joel Phillips
Model Order Reduction in Electrical Circuit Analysis
Oct. 26
W. Kahan
UC Berkeley
A Tutorial Overview of Vector and Matrix Norms
Nov. 2
Oded Schwartz
UC Berkeley
Minimizing communication costs: new upper and lower bounds using graph expansion considerations.
Nov. 9
W. Kahan

A Tutorial Overview of Vector and Matrix Norms
Nov. 16
Andrew Packard
UC Berkeley
Establishing dynamical system properties with semidefinite and sum-of-squares programming
Nov. 23

Thanksgiving Week
Nov. 30
Jianlin Xia
Purdue University
Randomized direct solvers and more
Dec. 7
James Bremer
UC Davis
Recent progress in integral equation methods. Special time and location: 4:10-5:00PM, 939 Evans Hall