
Postdoctoral Scholar:

The Department of Mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley invites applications for one Postdoctoral Scholar position supervised by Professor Lin Lin. The primary focus will be on the development and analysis of quantum algorithms, with priority on the following topics

  • Eigenvalue problems
  • Open quantum systems
  • Non-Hermitian quantum dynamics
  • Sampling problems

Given the highly interdisciplinary nature of the work, we welcome candidates of diverse backgrounds with PhDs in broadly related fields. A successful candidate should be able to demonstrate capabilities in learning new tools independently and quickly. A strong publication record in the area of quantum algorithms is highly desirable.

Candidates should send the following documents

  • Curriculum Vitae with aist of publications
  • Statement of Research
  • Names of 3 references (contact information only)

to with [Postdoc application] in the title.

Graduate students:

Our research group primarily focuses on the interplay between numerical methods and quantum sciences. For graduate students students with strong interests and backgrounds in this direction, please get in touch with me via e-mail or office hours.
Please send/bring (i) an up-to-date CV, (ii) a transcript highlighting your background in numerical analysis, algorithms, and quantum physics and (iii) a brief description of your research interest, and how it may connect to my current research directions.

Unfortunately, there are currently no internship positions available for undergraduate students.

Current group members

Name Role
Joao Basso PhD student (co-mentored with Nikhil Srivastava)
Zherui Chen PhD student
Zhiyan Ding Morrey Assistant Professor
Gil Goldshlager PhD student
Zhen Huang PhD student
Raehyun Kim PhD student
Jiang Hu Postdoctoral scholar
Jakob Huhn Visiting student (Physics, LMU)
Jiaqi Leng Simons postdoctoral scholar
Stephen Quinton PhD student
(Chemistry, co-mentored with Martin Head-Gordon)
Michael Ragone Morrey Assistant Professor
Rahul Sarkar Postdoctoral scholar
Avijit Shee Postdoctoral scholar
(Chemistry, co-mentored with Martin Head-Gordon and Birgitta Whaley)
Kevin Stubbs Postdoctoral scholar
Xinzhao Wang Visiting student (CS, Peking)
Yuanran Zhu Postdoctoral scholar
(LBNL, co-mentored with Chao Yang)

Gone but not forgotten

Name Then After/Now
Nilin Abrahamsen Simons postdoctoral scholar, (2021--2024)
(co-mentored with Umesh Vazirani)
Dong An PhD student (Graduated in 2021) Hartree postdoctoral fellow, U Maryland /
Assitant Professor, Peking University (Mathematics, BICMR)
Amartya Banerjee Postdoctoral scholar
(2015-2018, co-mentored with Chao Yang)
Assistant Professor, UCLA (Materials Science)
Mo ChenUndergraduate student (2018-2019) PhD student, MIT
Anil Damle NSF postdoctoral scholar, (2016-2017) Assistant Professor
Cornell University (Computer Science)
Yulong Dong PhD student (Graduated in 2023)
(co-mentored with Birgitta Whaley)
Ethan Epperly DOE CSGF Fellow internship (2021 Summer)
Di Fang Morrey Assistant Professor (2019-2022)
Simons postdoctoral scholar (2022-2023)
(co-mentored with Umesh Vazirani)
Assistant Professor, Duke University (Mathematics)
Fabian Faulstich Postdoctoral scholar (2020-2023) Assistant Professor
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) (Applied Mathematics)
Hans GundlachUndergraduate student (2020-2021) Master student, Cambridge
Wei HuPostdoctoral scholar
(2014-2017, co-mentored with Chao Yang)
Associate Professor
University of Science and Technology of China (Chemistry)
Weile Jia Postdoctoral scholar (2016-2020) Associate Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences
(Computer Science)
Jason Kaye Undergraduate student
(2013-2014, co-mentored with Chao Yang)
PhD student, Courant Institute/
Research Scientist, Flatiron Institute
Paul Kottering Undergraduate student (2020-2021) Master student, Courant Institute
Choco Tianyue Li Undergraduate student (2021-2022) PhD student, U Michigan
Jeffmin Lin PhD student (Graduated in 2021) Calico
Michael Lindsey PhD student (Graduated in 2019) NSF postdoctoral scholar, Courant Institute /
Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley (Mathematics)
Jin-Peng Liu Simons postdoctoral scholar (2022-2023)
(co-mentored with Umesh Vazirani)
Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT /
Assistant Professor, Tsinghua University (Mathematics, YMSC)
Xiang MengUndergraduate student (2019 Fall) PhD student, MIT
Subhayan Roy Moulik Postdoctoral scholar (2021-2023) Research Fellow, Cambridge University
Hongkang NiUndergraduate student (2021 Summer) PhD student, Stanford
Xun Tang Undergraduate student (2018-2019) PhD student, Stanford
Yu Tong PhD student (Graduated in 2022) IQIM postdoctoral fellow, Caltech /
Assistant Professor, Duke University (Mathematics and ECE)
Pranav Vaidhyanathan Undergraduate student (2020-2021) PhD student, Oxford
Jiasu Wang PhD student (Graduated 2024) Vatic Labs
Hamlin Wu Undergraduate student (2023-2024)
(Chemistry, co-mentored with Martin Head-Gordon)
PhD student, Harvard
Xiaojie Wu Postdoctoral scholar (2018-2020) Amobee
Jin XieUndergraduate student, (2015 Summer) PhD student, Stanford
Xin Xing Postdoctoral scholar (2020-2023) Apple
Ze Xu PhD student (Graduated in 2019) Two Sigma
Leonardo Zepeda-Nunez Postdoctoral scholar, (2017-2019) Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin, Madison (Mathematics)
Jiahao Yao PhD student (Graduated in 2023) Citadel
Jiefu Zhang PhD student (Graduated in 2021) Facebook
Hongli Zhao Undergraduate student, (2020 Summer) PhD student, U Chicago
Tiangang Zhou Undergraduate student, (2019 Summer) PhD student, Tsinghua University
Qinyi Zhu PhD student (Graduated in 2023) LinkedIn