Nonlinear PDEs Summer School

at UC Berkeley

June 12th, 2024 - June 14th, 2024

This summer school will be focused on the long term behavior and singularity formation for nonlinear PDEs arising from mathematical physics. It will consist of

  • three 3-hour mini-courses, and
  • several short contributed talks (lightning talks) by selected participants.

Mini-Courses by:


Graduate students and postdocs working in the areas of partial differential equations and mathematical physics are strongly encouraged to apply.

  • Accepted participants will be given free accommodation and travel reimbursement of up to $600.
  • Applications require a CV and a brief statement of purpose. All applications received by April 26nd, 2024 will receive full consideration.
  • Applicants will be notified about financial support by May 10, 2024.
To apply, click here.

Organizer and Support:

This summer school is organized by Sung-Jin Oh (UC Berkeley). Support is provided by UC Berkeley and by the National Science Foundation.


Please contact Sung-Jin Oh for any questions about the summer school.

  • Sung-Jin Oh: Long time behavior of waves on asymptotically flat spacetimes: Uniform decay and late time tail.

    Abstract: The goal of this lecture series is to give a coherent exposition of classical and recent techniques for studying the late time behavior of solutions to wave equations, which are possibly highly nonlinear, on asymptotically flat spacetime.

    For an extended abstract, see: pdf

  • Federico Pasqualotto: Topics in incompressible fluids: instabilities and singularity formation

    Abstract: In the course of these lectures, we will present three instances in which physical instabilities in fluids generate small-scale effects of different nature.

    For an extended abstract, see: pdf

  • Kihyun Kim: On long time dynamics for the self-dual Chern-Simons-Schrödinger equation within equivariant symmetry: rigidity of blow-up and rotational instability

    Abstract: In this lecture series, we will consider the classification of long time dynamics of solutions, to so called self-dual Chern–Simons–Schrödinger equation (CSS), un- der equivariant symmetry (a variant of radial symmetry, roughly speaking). This equation was introduced by the physicists Jackiw and Pi in the 90s [1], as a gauged (or covariant) 2D cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) with an additional structure called self-duality. Although it looks more complicated than (NLS) at first glance, this geometric nonlinear Schrödinger equation turns out to have a surprisingly rigid long time dynamics (at least within equivariant symmetry): (i) soliton resolution, (ii) rigidity of finite-time blow-up, and (iii) rotational instability. We will explore this rigid dynamics using modulation analysis.

    For an extended abstract, see: pdf

  • Lightning talks

General information (see also Resources below):

  • The talks will take place in Etcheverry 3106 (in the afternoons) and Cory 247 (in the mornings).
  • Lunch will be provided on June 13th (Thu) and 14th (Fri) in Evans 1015 (12:30 - 2 pm).
  • There will be a banquet on June 12th (Wed) at 7 pm (Place: The Faculty Club, Heyns Room).

June 12th (Wed):

Time Place Event
1 - 2 pm Etcheverry 3106 Registration
2 - 3 pm Etcheverry 3106 Sung-Jin Oh
3 - 3:30 pm Break
3:30 - 4:30 pm Etcheverry 3106 Federico Pasqualotto
4:30 - 5 pm Break
5 - 6 pm Etcheverry 3106 Kihyun Kim
7 - pm The Faculty Club, Heyns Room Banquet

June 13th (Thu):

Time Place Event
10 - 11 am Cory 247 Sung-Jin Oh
11 - 11:20 am Cory 247 Abdon Moutinho
11:20 - 11:40 am Cory 247 Shrey Aryan
11:40 am - 12 pm Cory 247 Xiaoan Shen
12:30 - 2 pm Evans 1015 Lunch
2 - 2:20 pm Etcheverry 3106 Shi-Zhuo Looi
2:20 - 2:40 pm Etcheverry 3106 Qirui Peng
2:40 - 3 pm Etcheverry 3106 Min Jun Jo
3 - 3:20 pm Etcheverry 3106 Karim Shikh Khalil
3:20 - 4 pm Break
4 - 5 pm Etcheverry 3106 Federico Pasqualotto
5 - 5:30 pm Break
5:30 - 6:30 pm Etcheverry 3106 Kihyun Kim

June 14th (Fri):

Time Place Event
10 - 11 am Cory 247 Sung-Jin Oh
11 - 11:20 am Cory 247 Haram Ko
11:20 - 11:40 am Cory 247 Hyunwoo Kwon
11:40 am - 12 pm Cory 247 Joseph Miller
12:30 - 2 pm Evans 1015 Lunch
2 - 2:20 pm Etcheverry 3106 Matthew Kowalski
2:20 - 2:40 pm Etcheverry 3106 Lizhe Wan
2:40 - 3 pm Etcheverry 3106 Ryan Martinez
3 - 3:20 pm Etcheverry 3106 Ning Tang
3:20 - 3:40 pm Etcheverry 3106 Brian Choi
3:40 - 4 pm Break
4 - 5 pm Etcheverry 3106 Federico Pasqualotto
5 - 5:30 pm Break
5:30 - 6:30 pm Etcheverry 3106 Kihyun Kim

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