Lin Lin ()


Office: 817 Evans Hall
Phone: 510-664-7189
Office hour : By appointment
Email: linlin at math dot berkeley dot edu

Curriculum Vitae (June 2023)



If you are interested in joining our group, please find the information here

I apologize for being unable to respond to emails regarding potential PhD supervision inquiries from students who have not yet been admitted to Berkeley. I typically mentor one to two PhD students each year, on subjects broadly related to computational quantum many-body problems (which includes quantum computation). Your Bachelor's degree does not need to be in Mathematics. However, please make sure that you will be comfortable to take our prelim exam after being admitted to the program. If you are interested, please apply to our graduate program directly and mention my name in your application.


I aspire to be a Quantum Chemist in disguise in the Department of Mathematics.

I am a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at UC Berkeley, and a Senior Faculty Scientist in the Mathematics Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. My research focuses on solving quantum many-body problems via both classical and quantum algorithms. These algorithms are often valuable across various domains, including quantum chemistry, quantum physics, materials science, and quantum information theory. I am very fortunate to have received the Sloan Research Fellowship (2015), the National Science Foundation CAREER award (2017), the Department of Energy Early Career award (2017), the (inaugural) SIAM Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) early career award (2017), the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) (2019), the ACM Gordon Bell prize (Team) (2020), and the Simons Investigator in Mathematics award (2021).


