Math 261AB: Lie Groups—Fall-Spring 2015-16

Time and place
Course content and prerequisites
Homework and grades


(1/15) Welcome to the Spring semester of Lie Groups! Check this page periodically for updates.


Mark Haiman,

855 Evans Hall, office hours MWF 11-12 or by appointment.

Time and place

MWF 10-11am, 2 Evans Hall.

Course content and prerequisites

This is a two-semester course in Lie groups, Lie algebras, and their representations, covering fundamentals in the fall, and more advanced material, including open research problems, in the spring. This spring I plan to concentrate on the areas where geometry and representation theory of semi-simple (or more generally, reductive) Lie groups meet algebra and combinatorics. Topics will include algebraic groups and Hopf algebras, flag varieties and the Borel-Weil-Bott construction, and quantum groups and canonical bases.

The spring semester should be of interest to a variety of students with some prior knowledge of Lie groups and Lie algebras, not limited to those continuing from 261A this past fall.

The official but not really necessary prerequisite for this course is Math 214 (Differential Geometry). In practice a strong general background in basic algebra and topology is sufficient for 261A, and 261A or equivalent is sufficient for 261B.


Main course text

We will use Vardarajan in the spring semester for structure of reductive and compact Lie groups and their representations. All material on other topics will be presented in the lectures.

Other suggested references

Introduction to differential geometry:

General references on Lie groups and algebras:

Algebraic groups and related topics



The first portion completes the foundational material we began in the fall and can serve as review for students joining the course this spring:

After that:

Other possible topics, depending on time: algebraic groups over Z and finite Chevalley groups; Hecke algebras and Kazhdan-Lusztig theory.


Homework and grades

Grades will be based on homework sets assigned periodically. I will try to keep them more current this spring than I did in the fall, and there will probably be somewhat fewer problems overall.

For a grade of A, you should do about half of the homework problems, including some of the more challenging ones; or proportionally fewer for a lower passing grade.

Alternatively, you can earn a grade of A by studying any open research problem connected to the subject matter. You don't have to solve the problem, but should make a serious attempt to understand it and work out some special cases.

Spring Problem Sets


Fall Problem Sets

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