Supersymmetry and Supergeometry Learning Seminar - Fall 2024

Time and Location: 2-3pm on Thursdays, Evans 762

Contact info:
alangoldfarb [AT] berkeley [DOT] edu
shreepranav_varma [AT] berkeley [DOT] edu
ejankowski [AT] berkeley [DOT] edu

Below we will post the reading material for the seminar. This page will be updated as the semester progresses.


Mathematical Foundations of Supersymmetry by Carmeli, Caston, and Fioresi

Eric's notes on the supersphere

Ibrahim's notes from his talk on infinitesimal theory

A paper by Masuoka and Zubkov introducing the concept of Krull superdimension

Smoothness of Algebraic Supervarieties and Supergroups by Rita Fioresi

Dualities and Representations of Lie Superalgebras by Cheng and Wang