Spring-07. Math 214 (ccn 55000):
Differential Manifolds
Instructor: Alexander Givental
TuTh 3:30 - 5, 47 Evans
Office hours: TuTh 5-6 p.m., in 701 Evans
Text: Michael Spivak, A Comprehensive Introduction to
DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY, Volume 1, 3rd edition,
Publish or Perish
Our intention is to cover most of the book, following it rather
loosely, but replace the last chapter on algebraic topology with an
introduction to Morse theory.
Grading: Take Home Final (50%)+Homework (50%)
HW: Weekly homework assignments are posted
to this web-page, and your solutions are due on Thursdays in class.
Jiangang Yao who will hold office hours on M 10-11 and W 3-4 in
1087 Evans, and grade homework. Typically your homework
will be returned to you in a week from the due date.