Spring-05. Math 140. Metric Dfferential Geometry
Lectures by Alexander Givental , TT 3:40-5, 5 Evans
Note the room change
Office hours: TT 5:15-6 p.m., at 701 Evans
Text: Manfredo Do Carmo, Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
, Prentice-Hall.
We will cover much of material of the chapters 1-4, but we are NOT going to follow the
book too closely, so taking notes during the lectures is a good idea. Still the book
is required in the sense that it will serve as a main refernce for the theory and
some homework problems.
Additional literature: Dirk Struik, Lectures on Classical Differential
Grading: Final (50%)+Midterm (25%)+Homework (25%)
HW: Weekly homework assignments will be posted
to this web-page, and your solutions will be due on Thursdays in the class.
Nathan George will try to complete grading your homework by
the first Tuesday following the due day. All re-grading requests should
be addressed to me.
Midterm: Thursday, March 3.
Final: Friday, May 20, 12:30-3:30.