Emma Boniface (she/her)

Office: Evans 1066
Office hours:   Fridays 12-2pm

I am a second year math PhD student at UC Berkeley. I am interested in categorical logic, symbolic computation, and applied algebraic geometry. More recently, I've been studying topos theory and applied category theory.

me celebrating the 20th birthday of the BARTmobile


Tropical toric maximum likelihood estimation (with Karel Devriendt and Serkan Hoşten)

Trinomials and Deterministic Complexity Limits for Real Solving (with J. Maurice Rojas and Weixun Deng)


June–August 2024: Visit to Topos Institute (Berkeley, California)

June–July 2023: Visit to Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (Leipzig, Germany)


Fall 2024: Math 10A
Graduate Student Instructor (GSI). Instructor: Norman Sheu

Spring 2024: Math 1B
Graduate Student Instructor (GSI). Instructor: Alexander Paulin

Fall 2023: Math 1B
Graduate Student Instructor (GSI). Instructor: Norman Sheu

Transit card collection

Outside of math, I am really enthusiastic about trains and public transportation. Here is a photo of my transit card collection!

my transit card collection

Very special thanks to: