Alan Goldfarb

"Can we say that scientists wonder if the rainbow is true? All that matters to them is that this phenomenon be communicable in some language, that it be reportable in some form, and that it be possible to insert into the chain of symbolic identifications with which their science unifies the diversity of its own object."

About Me

I'm a second-year PhD student in the mathematics department at UC Berkeley advised by Vera Serganova.
I recieved my B.S. in mathematics from USC summa cum laude. While an undergraduate, I was a student of
Sarthak Parikh as a visiting researcher at Caltech.

My research interests are in representation theory and non-Archimedean geometry, often in the context of mathematical physics.
Most recently, I've been thinking about superalgebras and quantum groups. Before that, I was working on Berkovich spaces as they relate to p-adic QFTs.
I'm also deeply interested in international collaboration over mathematics. Ask me about it!

I'm a Berkeley Connect Research Fellow for the 2024-2025 academic year. Learn about the program here.
I am grateful for the support of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and the UC Chancellor's Fellowship.

Email: alangoldfarb [AT] berkeley [DOT] edu

1075 Evans Hall, University Dr
Berkeley, CA 94720 USA


Research and Other Writing

Undergrad Research

On the Berkovich Projective Line and Coarse-Grainings of Non-Archimedean Product Spaces.
Snowfall Prediction Models Built From Natural Radiation. (Available upon request)

Expository Writing

Some notes on Lie theory (read at your own risk).
Milnor Excision and Beauville-Laszlo Formal Gluing.
A Brief Introduction to Hopf Algebras and Quantum sl2.


Humanity's Last Exam.
Approximating the All-Pairs Geodesic Matrix.

Seminars Organized

Quantum groups and Affine Lie Algebras, Fall 2025
Supersymmetry and Supergeometry, Fall 2024
Geometric Representation Theory Learning Seminar, Spring 2024


Graduate Student Instructor - UC Berkeley

Spring 2025: Math 98BC and Math 198BC, Berkeley Connect (instructor of record)
Fall 2024: Math 98BC and Math 198BC, Berkeley Connect (instructor of record)
Summer 2024: Math 54, Linear Algebra & Differential Equations with Arun Sharma

Teaching Assistant - USC

Fall 2022: Math 118, Fundamentals of Calculus with Danjoseph Quijada
Spring 2022: Math 226, Multivariable Calculus with Zhaoyu Zhang
