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All now in the public domain

US patent #, title, and date

5,271,022 Digital Optical Sound System(II)
12/14/94 E.R. Berlekamp/L.R. Welch

5,271,021 Digital Optical Sound System(I)
12/14/94 E.R. Berlekamp/L.R. Welch

4,958,348 Hypersystolic Reed-Solomon Decoder
09/18/90 E.R. Berlekamp/G. Seroussi/P. Tong

4,916,702 Elongated Burst Trapping
04/10/90 E.R. Berlekamp

4,821,268 Soft-Decision Reed-Solomon Decoder
04/11/89 E.R. Berlekamp

4,633,486 Method and Apparatus for Synchronization by
12/30/86 Coherent Reinforcement
E.R. Berlekamp/P. Tong

4,633,470 Error Correction of Algebraic Block Codes
12/30/86 E.R. Berlekamp/L.R. Welch

4,559,625 Improved Interleavers for Digital Communications
12/17/85 E.R. Berlekamp/P. Tong

4,731,676 Transparent Synchronization
12/13/85 E.R. Berlekamp

4,410,989 Bit Serial Reed-Solomon Encoder
10/18/83 E.R. Berlekamp

4,803,566 Digital Time Base Correction
08/01/83 E.R. Berlekamp/J. Lemke/J. Bixby

4,162,480 Galois Field Computer
07/24/79 E.R. Berlekamp