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"Block Coding with Noiseless Feedback", 1964, PhD thesis by E. Berlekamp; advised by Profs. R. G. Gallager (chairman), P. Elias, C. E. Shannon, and J. Wozencraft, MIT EE Dept. Extensions of parts of this thesis appeared in the following articles:

    C.E. Shannon, R.G. Gallager, and E. R. Berlekamp, 1967, "Lower Bounds To Error Probability For Coding On Discrete Memoryless Channels I", Inform. Control, 10: 65-103.

    C.E. Shannon, R.G. Gallager, and E. R. Berlekamp, 1967, "Lower Bounds To Error Probability For Coding On Discrete Memoryless Channels II", Inform. Control, 10:522-552.

    Berlekamp, E.R., 1968, "Block Coding For The Binary Symmetric Channel With Noiseless, Delayless Feedback", pp. 61-88 in H.B. Mann (ed.), ERROR-CORRECTING CODES, Wiley & Sons, New York.

      Berlekamp, E. R., R. Hill, and J. Karim, 1998, " The solution of a problem of Ulam on searching with lies" Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, August 16-21, 1998. pages 244-247. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ISIT.1998.708849

      desJardins, David, 2002, "Precise coding with noiseless feedback", PhD dissertation in mathematics, U. California, Berkeley

"Machine Solution of Double-Dummy No Trump Bridge Problems", 1962, MS thesis by E. Berlekamp, advised by Prof. John McCarthy (chairman), MIT EE Dept, and Dr. John L Kelly, Jr of Bell Telephone Laboratories. A summary of this thesis appeared in the following article:

    Berlekamp, E.R., 1963, "Program For Double Dummy Bridge -- A New Strategy For Mechanical Game Playing:, JACM, 10:357-364.