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![]() Coding: Conference Proceedings and Technical Reports Berlekamp, E. R ., and P . T . Liu, 1989, "Elongated Burst Correction With Reed-Solomon Codes", Proceedings of the International Conference on Communication Technology, Beijing, China, July 1989. Berlekamp, E.R., Peile, R.E., Pope, S.P., 1987, "The Application of Error Control To Communications", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 25, No. 4 Berlekamp, E.R., 1986, "Variable Depth Helical Interleavers", Cyclotomics technical report to NSF. Berlekamp, E.R., R.J.Currie, R.J. McEliece, C.K. Rushforth, and P. Tong, 1986, "An Error-Control Code With An Imbalance Of Ones And Zeros To Provide A Residual Carrier Component", IEEE MILCOM Conference, October 5, 1986. Berlekamp, E.R., William E. Toms, and Jerry Shifman, 1986, "An Application Of Reed-Solomon Codes To A Satellite TDMA System", IEEE MILCOM Conference. Berlekamp, E.R., and McEliece, Robert J., l982, "Average Case Optimized Buffered Decoders", Cyclotomics, Inc., Berkeley, CA. Berlekamp, E.R., 1982, "Error-Correcting Codes For Digital Audio", Collected Papers From The Audio Engineering Society Premiere Conference. Berlekamp, E.R., 1977, "Long Block Codes Which Use Soft Decisions And Correct Erasure Bursts Without Interleaving", pp. 1-2 in Proc. of the National Telecommunications Conference, Los Angeles. Berlekamp, E.R., 1975, "Algebraic Codes For Improving The Reliability Of Tape Storage", pp.497-499 in Proceedings of the AFIPS Conference. Berlekamp, E.R., 1973, "The Golay-Viterbi Concatenation Scheme", JPL Technical Report 32-1526, Vol. 16. Berlekamp, E.R., l970, "Doubly Extended RS Codes Are Cyclic After Prenormalization". Tech. Memo, Bell Telephone Laboratories Berlekamp, E.R., l969, "Techniques For Computing Weight Enumerators", Tech Memo, Bell Telephone Laboratories Berlekamp, E.R., l969, "On The Carlitz-Uchiyama Bound", Tech. Memo, Bell Telephone Laboratories. Berlekamp, E.R., 1968, "Weight Enumeration Theorems", pp. 161-170 in Proc. 6th Annual Allerton Conf. Circuit and Systems Theory, Univ. Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois . Berlekamp, E.R., l966, "Two Identical Binary Erasure Channels With Feedback Are Exponentially Better Than One Channel At Low Rates", JPL SPS 37-37, Vo. IV, Section 31. The solution of a problem of Ulam on searching with lies | |