“More” because the discussion here is also about regular singularities.
Let $X,Y,Z \in \mathrm{GL}_2$ have $XYZ = 1$. They determine a rank 2 local system on a 3-times punctured $\mathbf{P}^1$ — $X$ the monodromy around $0$, $Y$ the monodromy around $1$, $Z$ the monodromy around $\infty$. The simultaneous conjugacy class of the triple $(X,Y,Z)$ is determined by the separate conjugacy classes of $X,Y,Z$, i.e. the corresponding local system is “rigid.”
The analytic source of these local systems is Gauss’s hypergeometric
$$z(z-1) u” + ((a+b+1) z – c) u’ + ab u = 0$$
where $a,b,c$ are complex constants. See Ahlfors page 316. It has regular singularities, and the monodromy matrices $XYZ$ have characteristic polynomials
$$\begin{array}{c}\chi(X) = (\lambda – 1)(\lambda – e^{2 \pi i (1-c)}), \\ \chi(Y) = (\lambda – 1)(\lambda – e^{2 \pi i (c – a – b)}), \\ \chi(Z) = (\lambda – e^{2 \pi i a})(\lambda – e^{2 \pi i b}) \end{array}$$
The local system is irreducible if and only if none of the quantities $a,b,c-a,c-b$ are integers.
(Rigidity of the system is a good post-hoc reason for studying it. Katz classifies rigid local systems on $\mathbf{P}^1$ minus $n$ points in his book. Simpson observes in his ICM talk, about rigid local systems: the corresponding Higgs field is fixed by $\mathbf{C}^*$, and the data of a $\mathbf{C}^*$-fixed Higgs field is a variation of Hodge structures. And they are used to solve some instances of inverse Galois.)
Is there an exact Lagrangian $L \subset T^* S^2$ which when decorated with some rank one local systems determines these rigid ones under Nadler-Zaslow? In other words can hypergeometric DEs be “abelianized.”
If it exists, the projection $L \to S^2$ must be two-to-one and (because of the rigidity) $L$ must have genus zero. Riemann-Hurwitz doesn’t leave many possibilities. Let $\overline{L} \cong S^2$ be the smooth compactification of $L$; the projection from $L$ to extends to one from $\overline{L}$. Let $e_0,e_1,e_{\infty}$ be $1$ or $0$ according to whether $\overline{L} \to S^2$ is or is not ramified at $0,1,\infty$ Then $\chi(\overline{L}) = 2\chi(S^2) – e_0 – e_1 – e_{\infty} – n$ where $n$ is the number of critical points of $L \to S^2$. In other words $n = 2 – e_0 – e_1 – e_{\infty}$.
Since for generic $a,b,c$ the monodromies around the punctures are semisimple, it is tempting to believe that $e_0 = e_1 = e_{\infty} = 0$, i.e. $L$ is the complement of $6$ points on $S^2$ — then $n = 2$. It is also tempting to take for $L$ the curve
$$z(z-1)w^2 + ((a+b+1)z-c)w + ab = 0$$
i.e. replace the operator $d/dz$ by the coordinate $w$ in the Gauss equation. That move is dubious, but it gives an $L$ with the right topology.
A couple years ago I talked about something related with Speyer. If your differential equation has singularities at the divisor $D$, then possibly it is natural to regard its “spectral curve” as living in $\mathcal{O}(K+D)$. (Even if as we’ve discussed recently you really want the asymptotes in $\mathcal{O}(K)$ if you’re “doing Nadler-Zaslow”).
When the base curve is $\mathbf{P}^1$ and $D$ is three points, $\mathcal{O}(K+D)$ is the projective plane (minus a point $P$). There are three lines $\ell_0,\ell_1,\ell_{\infty}$ through $P$ meeting the divisor $D$. And “fixing the conjugacy classes of monodromy” amounts to “fixing $n$ points on each line $\ell$.”
Rigidity must have to do with there being a unique conic through 6 points in the plane.