This is a research discussion board about constructible sheaves and microlocal geometry, especially in terms of its role as a model for the Fukaya category. Here you will find posts by many people, including: Xin Jin, Andy Neitzke, Lenhard Ng, Dan Rutherford, Vivek Shende, Steven Sivek, Alex Takeda, David Treumann, Harold Williams, and Eric Zaslow. Some of the …
Tamarkin’s paper, chapter 8
Tamarkin’s paper, chapter 7
Tamarkin’s paper, chapter 6
Tamarkin’s paper, chapter 5
Tamarkin’s paper, chapter 4
Tamarkin’s paper, chapter 3
Tamarkin’s paper, chapter 2
What’s the point of always adjoining Maurer-Cartan elements?
Tamarkin’s paper: Chapter 1
We are having a small discussion group around Tamarkin’s paper “microlocal category”. There will be a blog post for each chapter, in which we collect together our understandings and misunderstandings. At the moment they are mostly empty. This is the post for chapter 1.
What’s the transverse knot filtration, in sheaf theory?
Question: What’s the sheaf theoretic incarnation of this filtration? (Warmup question: what structure does a filtration on a DGA induce on its representation category?)
A metric on the space of autoequivalences
Let $M$ be a manifold; $shv(M)$ the (derived) category of sheaves on $M$, and $\mathcal{G}(M)$ the group of autoequivalences of $shv(M)$. I want to consider the following sort of right-invariant semi-metric (i.e. some things have distance zero) on $\mathcal{G}(M)$: $$d(\gamma, \eta) = sup_{F} d_{Haus}(ss(\gamma F), ss( \eta F))$$ Here, we take $ss(F)$ in the cosphere bundle …