This is a gallery of pictures from my research projects.

Voronoi cells in metric algebraic geometry of plane curves (with Madeleine Weinstein).

The Voronoi and Delaunay cells of 101, 441, and 1179 points sampled from the butterfly curve.

Matroids and their Dressians.

The Dressian of the star (10,3) point configuration.

Symmetric powers of algebraic and tropical curves: a non-archimedean perspective (with Martin Ulirsch)

The poset of degree 2 divisors on the dumbell graph G giving the polysimplicial structure on Sym_2(G).

The Slack Realization Space of a Matroid (with Amy Wiebe. To Appear in Algebraic Combinatorics.)

The non-fano matroid, its symbolic slack matrix, and a spanning tree of its non-incidence graph.

Tropical Superelliptic Curves (with Paul Alexander Helminck. To appear in Advances in Geometry)

The poset of genus 4 degree 3 superelliptic curves.

From Curves to Tropical Jacobians and Back (with Barbara Bolognese and Lynn Chua), in Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, 21-45, Fields Inst. Commun. 80, Fields Inst. Res. Math. Sci., 2017.

The poset of genus 3 hyperelliptic tropical curves together with the trees on 8 leaves that they doubly cover.

The divisors of degree 2 on the metric complete graph on 4 vertices make a permutohedron.

The Degree of SO(n) (with Juliette Bruce, Taylor Brysiewicz, Robert Krone, and Elina Robeva), in Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, 207-224, Fields Inst. Commun. 80, Fields Inst. Res. Math. Sci., 2017.

The 24 non intersecting lattice paths giving the degree of SO(5) = 2^4x24