Below are notes for talks that I have given, starting with the most recent. This photo was taken at MPI Leipzig by Özde Bayer.

Tropical Geometry of Curves (Simon Fraser University, November 28, 2019).

Tropical Geometry of Curves (Reed College Mathematics Colloquium, October 3, 2019).

Tropical Geometry of Curves (MUSA Math Monday, September 30, 2019).

A tropical count of binodal cubic surfaces (Workshop on tropical methods in real algebraic geometry, Casa Matemática Oaxaca, Mexico, September 12 2019).

Symmetric Powers of Algebraic and Tropical Curves (Young Researchers' Conference on Non-Archimedean and Tropical Geometry, Regensberg, Germany, July 28).

Matroids and Their Dressians (Tropical Working Seminar, Tübingen, Germany, July 22).

Matroids and Their Dressians (FU Berlin Research Seminar, July 18).

Voronoi and Delaunay Cells for Plane Curves (Poster for SIAM Algebraic Geometry, Bern, Switzerland, July 9).

Matroids and Their Dressians (Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany, July 5).

Limits of Voronoi and Delaunay Cells (MPI Leipzig, June 17)

Tensors and their Eigenvectors (Nonlinear Algebra Course, MPI Leipzig, June 12 2019)

Symmetric Powers of Algebraic and Tropical Curves (Geometry Seminar, Tel Aviv University, June 6 2019)

Limits of Vornoi and Delaunay Cells (Algebra Seminar at Bar Ilan University, June 5 2019)

Symmetric Powers of Algebraic and Tropical Curves (Combinatorics Seminar, Hebrew University Jerusalem, June 3 2019)

Limits of Voronoi and Delaunay Cells (BYGMAC at UC Berkeley, May 11 2019).

Invariants of Matrix Tuples (Applied Invariant Theory Seminar, Pi Day 2019).

Holomorphic Differentials and Abel's Theorem (Guest Lectures for Algebraic Curves, UC Berkeley, February 19 and 21, 2019)

Symmetric powers of algebraic and tropical curves (Fellowship of the Ring Seminar, February 12 2019).

The Degree of SO(n). (Connections for Women Workshop, January 29, 2019).

Tropicalizing Superelliptic Curves. (Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar, University of Warwick, January 5, 2018).

Tropicalizing Superelliptic Curves. (Combinatorics Study Group, Queen Mary University of London, January 11, 2019).

Noetherian Ring Website Workshop (November 13, 2018).

Slack Realization Spaces of Matroids (Algebraic Geometry Seminar, University of California, Davis, October 10, 2018).

Tropical Geometry Is Fun (Introductory Lecture for TGIF Seminar, University of California Berkeley, September 6, 2018).

Tropical Geometry of Curves (Graduate Summer School in Algebraic Group Actions, McMaster University, June 11, 2018).

The Slack Realization Space of a Matroid. (AMS Spring Western Sectional Meeting, April 15, 2018).

Preparatory Lecture on Tropical Geometry. (Tropical Geometry meets Representation Theory, University of Cologne, March 12, 2018).

Tropicalizing Superelliptic Curves. (Seminar on Nonlinear Algebra, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, February 13, 2018).

Tropicalizing Superelliptic Curves. (Oberseminar Algebra und Geometrie, Frankfurt, January 8, 2018).

Computing Berkovich Skeleta of Curves. (Workshop on Tropical Algebra and Applications, Institut Mittag-Leffler, January 22-26, 2018).

The degree of SO(n). (Algebra Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, January 9, 2018)

Tropical Grassmannians and Dressians of Matroids (TACO Seminar, December 8, 2017).

Tropical Superelliptic Curves (Brown University Algebraic Geometry Seminar, December 1, 2017).

Bounding Projective Dimension 1 (Fellowship of the Ring, UC Berkeley, October 31, 2017).

From Polynomials to Metric Graphs (Polynomials and Polytopes, TU Berlin, June 10, 2017).

Toric Varieties (Combinatorial Commutative Algebra Reading Group, Berkeley, April 2017).

Simplicial Complexes (Algebraic Topolog Class, Berkeley 2017).

The degree of SO(n). (Berkeley, January 2017).

The Degree of SO(n) (Saxonian Geometry Day, 2016).

The Degree of SO(n) (Bremen, 2016).

Tropicalization of Genus 2 Curves (Tropical Geometry, 2016).

Polytopes (Combinatorics 249 Replacement Seminar, 2016).

Polymake (Tropical Geometry, 2016). Code

Chip Firing on Metric Graphs (Berkeley WiM, 2015)

The Tutte Polynomial (Berkeley, 2015)

Computing Free Resolutions in Macaulay2 (Berkeley, 2015), and Macaulay2 Code

Chromatic Number of the Kneser Graph (Reed, 2015)

Alternate proof of a result about the Tutte Polynomial (Reed, 2015)

Packing Polynomials on Rational Sectors (JMM, 2015)

Robots and Automatic Geometric Theorem Proving (Reed, 2013)

Circle Packing on Flat Tori (MathFest, 2013)