Emeritus Faculty

Alan D. Weinstein

Professor Emeritus, Professor of the Graduate School
Mathematical Analysis
Applied Mathematics

Year Appointed: 1969

Retired: 2009

Selected Publications:

Weinstein, A., Categories of (co)isotropic linear relations, preprint arXiv 1503.06240, to appear in J. Symplectic Geom. Lorand, J., and Weinstein, A., (Co)isotropic pairs in Poisson and presymplectic vector spaces, SIGMA 11 (2015), 072, 10 pages. Li-Bland, D., and Weinstein, A., Selective categories and linear canonical relations, SIGMA 10, (2014), 100, 31 pages. Cattaneo, A., Dherin, B., and Weinstein...

W. Hugh Woodin

Professor Emeritus
Mathematical Logic

Year Appointed: 1988

Selected Publications:

Martin, Donald A. and Woodin, W. Hugh (2008). Weakly homogeneous trees. In Games, scales, and Suslin cardinals. The Cabal Seminar. Vol. I Lect. Notes Log. 31 421-438 Assoc. Symbol. Logic Chicago, IL. [MR] [...

Hung-Hsi Wu

Professor Emeritus
Selected Publications: Wu, H. (2009). Shiing-shen Chern: 1911--2004. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 46 No.2, 327-338. [MR] [GS?] Wu, Hung-Hsi (2008). Historical development of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem. Sci. China Ser. A 51 No.4, 777-784. [...