Math 1B (Math 52 eff. Fall 2025)

Math 1B (52 eff. F25) - Calculus -- [4 units]

Course Format: Three hours of lecture and three hours of discussion per week.

Prerequisites: 1A, N1A, or equivalent.

Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for Math 1B after completing Math N1B, H1B, or XMATH 1B.  A deficient grade in Math 1B may be removed by taking Math N1B or Math H1B.

Description: Continuation of Math 1A. Techniques of integration; applications of integration. Infinite sequences and series. First-order ordinary differential equations. Second-order linear ordinary differential equations. (F,SP)

Textbook: Stewart, Single Variable Calculus. A specially priced UC Berkeley paperback edition is available.

Outline of the Course:
Chapter 7: Techniques of Integration (skip 7.6) 9 hours
Chapter 8: Further Applications of Integration (8.1) 1 hours
Chapter 11: Infinite Sequences and Series 12 hours
Chapter 9: Differential Equations 8 hours
Chapter 17: Second-Order Differential Equations 8 hours
Total 38 hours
Midterms & Holidays 4 hours
Reviews are appropriate during the RRR week.
The total number of class hours may vary during the Fall and Spring semesters.
42 hours