
My current research can be categorized into two main directions:

In this direction, I mainly focus on analyzing modern machine learning algorithms, including Bayesian sampling methods, and over-parameterized neural networks. 

My current interest in this direction lies in two different perspectives. 1. Many high-dimensional systems have their own structures, such as mean-field limit and low-rank structures in PDE. Using the structure information, it's possible to develop new methods that have much smaller complexity than the classical methods. 2. More recently, the development of quantum computing algorithms provides a different way to overcome the curse of dimensionality. Using the properties of quantum physics to store data and perform computations, a quantum computer has the potential to exponentially reduce computational cost and storage memory. On the other hand, the special structure of quantum computing also asks for a very different way to design the algorithm, which is always highly non-trivial.



[7] Z.Ding, M. Guerra, Q. Li, E. Tadmor, Swarm-based gradient descent meets simulated annealing, arXiv/2404.18015, 2024.

[6] Z. Ding, B. Li, L. Lin, Efficient quantum Gibbs samplers with Kubo-Martin-Schwinger detailed balance condition, arXiv/2404.05998, 2024.

[5] Z. Ding, H. Li, L. Lin, H. Ni, L. Ying, R. Zhang, Quantum Multiple Eigenvalue Gaussian filtered Search: an efficient and versatile quantum phase estimation method, arXiv/2402.01013, 2024.

[4] S. Chen, Z. Ding, Q. Li, Bayesian sampling using interacting particles, arXiv/2401.13100, 2024.

[3] Z. Ding, C. Chen, L. Lin, Single-ancilla ground state preparation via Lindbladians, arXiv/2308.15676, 2023.

[2] Z. Ding, Y. Dong, Y. Tong, L. Lin, Robust ground-state energy estimation under depolarizing noise, arXiv/2307.11257, 2023.

[1] S. Chen, Z. Ding, Q. Li, S. Wright, On optimal bases for multiscale PDEs and Bayesian homogenization, arXiv/2305.12303, 2023.

Peer reviewed papers:

[21]  Z. Ding, E. N. Epperly, L. Lin, R. Zhang, The ESPRIT algorithm under high noise: Optimal error scaling and noisy super-resolution, FOCS 2024, accepted, 2024.

[20] Z. Ding, T. Ko, J. Hao, L. Lin, X. Li, Random coordinate descent: a simple alternative for optimizing parameterized quantum circuits, Physical Review Research, accepted, 2024.

[19] N. Abrahamsen, Z. Ding, G. Goldshlager, L. Lin, Convergence of stochastic gradient descent on parameterized sphere with applications to variational Monte Carlo simulation, Journal of Computational Physics, 513, 113-140, 2024.

[18] Z. Ding, X. Li, L. Lin, Simulating open quantum systems using hamiltonian simulations, PRX Quantum, 5, 020332, 2024.

[17] Z. Ding, L. Lin, Simultaneous estimation of multiple eigenvalues with short-depth quantum circuit on early fault-tolerant quantum computers, Quantum 7, 1136, 2023.

[16] Z. Ding, L. Lin, Even shorter quantum circuit for phase estimation on early fault-tolerant quantum computers with applications to ground-state energy estimation, PRX Quantum, 4(2), 2023.

[15] S. Chen, Z. Ding, Q. Li, L. Zepeda-Núñez, High-frequency limit of the inverse scattering problem: asymptotic convergence from inverse Helmholtz to inverse Liouville, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 16(1), 111-143, 2023.

[14] S. Chen, Z. Ding, Q. Li, S. Wright, A reduced order Schwarz method for nonlinear multiscale elliptic equations based on two-layer neural networks, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2023.

[13] Z. Ding, S. Chen, Q. Li, S. Wright, Overparameterization of deep ResNet: zero loss and mean-field analysis, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23(48): 1-65, 2022.

[12] Z. Ding, Q. Li, Constrained Ensemble Langevin Monte Carlo, Foundations of Data Science, 4(1): 37-70, 2022.

[11] Z. Ding, Q. Li, Langevin Monte Carlo: random coordinate descent and variance reduction, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 22(205): 1-51, 2021.

[10] Z. Ding, Q. Li, J. Lu, S. Wright, Random Coordinate Underdamped Langevin Monte Carlo, 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2021), 2021.

[9] Z. Ding, Q. Li, J. Lu, S. Wright, Random Coordinate Langevin Monte Carlo, 34th Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2021), 2021

[8] Z. Ding, Q. Li, J. Lu, Ensemble Kalman Inversion for nonlinear problems: weights, consistency, and variance bounds, Foundations of Data Science, 3(3): 371-411, 2021.

[7] Z. Ding, Q. Li, Ensemble Kalman Sampler: mean-field limit and convergence analysis, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 53(2): 1546–1578, 2021.

[6] Z. Ding, Q. Li, Ensemble Kalman Inversion: mean-field limit and convergence analysis, Statistics and Computing, 31, 9, 2021.

[5] Z. Ding, L. Einkemmer, Q. Li, Dynamical low-rank integrator for the linear Boltzmann equation: Error analysis in the diffusion limit, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 59, 4, 2021. 

[4] Z. Ding, H. Hajaiej, On a Fractional Schrödinger equation in the presence of Harmonic potential, Electronic Research Archive, 29(5): 3449-3469, 2021.

[3] Z. Ding, S. Ha, S. Jin, A local sensitivity analysis in Landau Damping for the kinetic Kuramoto equation with random inputs, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 79, 229-264, 2021.

[2] Z. Ding, Q. Li, Variance reduction for Random Coordinate Descent-Langevin Monte Carlo, 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), 2020.

[1] Z. Ding, S. Jin, Random regularity of a nonlinear Landau Damping solution for the Vlasov-Poisson equations with random inputs, International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 9, 123-142, 2019.