Will Fisher



I am a second year math PhD student at UC Berkeley advised by David Nadler. My interests include category theory, algebraic geometry and homotopy theory. Previously, I did my undergraduate and masters at the University of Cambridge.

I passed my Qualifying Exam on December 11th, 2024. A copy of my syllabus and transcript can be found here.

Office: 935 Evans Hall
Office Hours: Tuesday 11am-1pm

Research and Writing


Contractible complexes and non-positive immersions. Ann. Math. Québec (2025).
Polynomial Wolff Axioms and Multilinear Kakeya-type Estimates for Bent Tubes in $\mathbb{R}^n$, MIT PRIMES.


Some Notes on Category Theory, (not proof-read) from Qual studying.
Lie Algebra Cohomology, Math 261A Final Paper.
An Introduction to Abelian and non-Abelian Hodge Theory, Cambridge Part III Essay.


Spring 2025, UC Berkeley GRT Seminar, The Singular Category and Matrix Factorizations. Notes.
Fall 2024, UC Berkeley CAAG Seminar, Introduction to Hochschild Homology. Notes.
Fall 2024, UC Berkeley Stacks Seminar, Smoothness of the logarithmic Hodge moduli space. Notes.


Spring 2025: GSI for Math 1A with Professor Norman Sheu.

Fall 2024: GSI for Math 1B with Professor Arun Sharma.

Summer 2024: Primary Instructor for Math 104. Course page here.

Spring 2024: GSI for Math 1B with Professor Alexander Paulin.

Fall 2023: GSI for Math 1A with Professor Richard Bamler.