The UC Berkeley Representation theory and tensor categories seminar
Fall 2023 - Tuesday 2:10pm - 3:30pm, Evans 732
Organizers: Vera Serganova and Alexandra Utiralova

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DATE SPEAKER TITLE (click to show abstract)
September 12 Maria Gorelik, The Weizmann Institute of Science
On the simplicity of minimal W-algebras Abstract: This is a report on an on-going project, joint with V. Kac, concerning simplicity of minimal W-algebras. Minimal W-algebras are the simplest conformal vertex algebras. For non-integral central levels the simplicity criterion was established 15 years ago in papers by Gorelik-Kac and Hoyt-Reif. The case of integral central levels for superalgebras of non-zero defect is still open, and I will report on recent progress in this area.
September 19 Inna Entova-Aizenbud, Ben Gurion University
Representation stability for \(GL_n(F_q)\) Abstract: I will present some results on the Deligne categories for the family of groups \(GL_n(F_q), n>0\), based on a joint project with T. Heidersdorf. This family of symmetric monoidal categories interpolates the tensor categories of complex representations of \(GL_n(F_q)\) and have been previously constructed by F. Knop. I will describe some properties of these categories, as well as the relation to the category of algebraic representations of the infinite group \(GL_{\infty}(F_q)\).
September 26 Vladimir Hinich, University of Haifa
Matsumoto theorem for skeleta Abstract: This is a joint work with M. Gorelik and V. Serganova. The classical Matsumoto theorem of 1964 asserts that two reduced expressions in a Coxeter group define the same element of the group iff they are "braided equivalent". We present a more general context (graphs with a geometric realization) for which a similar result holds. This is applicable, in particular, to the skeleta, graphs appearing in the description of root Lie superalgebras, as in the recent work of the same authors. A full proof will be presented. The only prerequisite is basic algebra.
October 3 Daniel Klyuev, MIT
Analytic Langlands correspondence for \(G=PGL(2,\mathbb{C})\) Abstract: Analytic Langlands correspondence was suggested by Langlands several years ago and developed by Etingof, Frenkel and Kazhdan. On one side of this conjectural correspondence there are \(\check{G}\)-opers on \(X\) satisfying a certain condition, on the other a joint spectrum of certain operators on the space of functions on a moduli space of \(G\)-bundles on \(X\). I will describe the main picture and present new results in this direction. Partially based on joint projects with A. Wang and S. Raman
October 10 Eric Jankowski, UC Berkeley
Toric supervarieties Abstract: Classically, toric varieties provide a dictionary between algebraic and convex geometry via their descriptions as polyhedral fans. I will review this construction and describe how it generalizes to the super setting. In particular, I will define algebraic supertori and give an analogous classification of toric supervarieties with one odd dimension. The case of higher odd dimension appears to be a wild problem, but I will share some examples where they arise naturally.
October 17 Tony Feng, UC Berkeley
Modular representation theory and Langlands functoriality Abstract: I will discuss some aspects of modular representation theory that arise in the study of the Local Langlands correspondence, which concerns a duality between the representation theory of p-adic Lie groups and the representation theory of Galois groups of p-adic fields. I will explain that Langlands philosophy can be used to prove some new, purely representation-theoretic results on tilting modules. In the other direction, I will pose some problems in representation theory whose answers would shed light on the local Langlands correspondence.
October 24 Dmitry Kubrak, IAS
Hodge-to-de Rham degeneration for BG in characteristic p Over complex numbers one of the basic consequences of Hodge theory is the degeneration of the Hodge-to-de Rham (HdR) spectral sequence for a smooth proper scheme X over complex numbers. As first noted by Mumford in 1960's, this is no longer true in characteristic p, even for surfaces. Nevertheless, in 1987 Deligne and Illusie showed that if X lifts modulo p^2 then the HdR spectral sequence does degenerate in degrees up to p-1. Whether in this situation HdR spectral sequence degenerates in all degrees was not known until very recently, when Petrov showed that it doesn't necessarily degenerate in degree p. I will try to explain that nonetheless HdR spectral sequence in the case of the classifying stack BG with G reductive does degenerate: this turns out to be a consequence of some intricate (but rather classical) representation-theoretic results due to Cline-Parshall-Scott.
October 31 Karthik Ganapathy, University of Michigan
Equivariant commutative algebra in positive characteristic Equivariant commutative algebra in positive characteristic Abstract: In the presence of a large group action, even non-noetherian rings sometimes behave like noetherian rings. For example, Cohen proved that every symmetric ideal in the infinite variable polynomial ring is generated by the orbit of finitely many polynomials. In this talk, I will give a brief introduction to equivariant commutative algebra where we systematically develop commutative algebra in interesting (and not necessarily rigid) tensor categories. I will mostly focus on the category of polynomial representations of the infinite general linear group (= category of strict polynomial functors).
November 7 Sergei Korotkikh, UC Berkeley
Construction of q-Hahn integrable models using representations of quantum affine algebras. Abstract: A decade ago Povolotsky has introduced a new type of integrable models which are governed by so-called q-Hahn weights. In my talk I will explain a new construction of these models, originating from representations of quantum loop sl2 algebra. More precisely, I will show how q-Hahn weights appear as matrix coefficients of isomorphisms between tensor products of Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules. Time permitting, I will also outline how this new cnstruction leads to results about random particle systems, random polymer models and Macdonald functions.
November 14 Ilia Nikrasov, University of Michigan
Arboreal Tensor Categories Abstract: Last year, Andrew Snowden (UofM) and Nate Harman (UGA) introduced a new combinatorial way of constructing tensor categories. I will show how the general theory works in the case of an infinite symmetric group; we will arrive at Deligne's categories Rep(S_t). Next we will explore arboreal tensor categories: an entirely new class of tensor categories coming from a mixture of tree combinatorics and “finitary" harmonic analysis based on oligomorphic group actions. I will draw similarities and emphasize differences with previously studied tensor categories in characteristic 0. The talk is based on arXiv:2308.06660.
November 21 No seminar
November 28
December 5 Monica Vazirani, UC Davis
Skeins on Tori Abstract: We study skeins on the 2-torus and 3-torus via the representation theory of the double affine Hecke algebra of type A and its connection to quantum D-modules. As an application we can compute the dimension of the generic \(SL_N\)- and \(GL_N\)-skein module of the 3-torus for arbitrary \(N\). This is joint work with Sam Gunningham and David Jordan.
Spring 2023 website
Fall 2022 website