Mathematics 10B
Spring, 2016
100 Lewis
Elementary combinatorics and discrete probability
theory. Introduction to graphs, matrix algebra, linear equations,
difference equations, and differential equations
"he is a little wordy. i sometimes get lost or fall
asleap when he says unnecessary words"
Student Instructor Office Hours
Discussion Sections
Section |
Time |
Room |
201 |
8AM |
179 Stanley |
James Robertson |
202 |
9AM |
179 Stanley |
James Robertson |
203 |
10AM |
254 Sutardja Dai |
Elina Robeva |
204 |
11AM |
105 Latimer |
Elina Robeva |
205 |
12PM |
87 Evans |
Theodore Zhu |
206 |
1PM |
285 Cory |
Benjamin Castle |
207 |
1PM |
254 Sutardja Dai |
Elizabeth Ferme |
208 |
2PM |
254 Sutardja Dai |
Elizabeth Ferme |
209 |
3PM |
254 Sutardja Dai |
Benjamin Castle |
210 |
4PM |
71 Evans |
Theodore Zhu |
The only textbook is the four-part series of notes that you can download
from bCourses:
- First
midterm exam, Tuesday, February 16, 2016, in class
- Last
midterm exam, Thursday, March 31, 2016, in class
- Final
examination, Monday, May 9, 2016, 11:30AM
Please do not plan travel on the dates of these exams.
If you believe that you have a conflicting obligation because of an
intercollegiate sport or other
extracurricular activity,
please read
Class schedule
Homework will be due in your discussion section.
Collaboration on
the homework is encouraged, but students must write their
own solutions after consultation with classmates.
At the end of the course, your composite homework score will be
the sum of all but your two lowest scores, plus 0.5 times your
next-to-lowest score. In other words, we are dropping everyone's lowest
1 1/2 scores.
- Assignment due Wednesday, January 27
- Assignment due Wednesday, February 3
- Assignment due Wednesday, February 10
- Assignment due Wednesday, February 24
- Assignment due Wednesday, March 2
- Assignment due Wednesday, March 9
- Assignment due Wednesday, March 16
- Assignment due Wednesday, March 30
- Assignment due Wednesday, April 13
- Assignment due Wednesday, April 20
- Assignment due Wednesday, April 27
- Assignment due Wednesday, May 4
Random Links
Course grades
will be based on a composite numerical score
that is intended to weight
the course components roughly as follows:
midterm exams 17% each, homework and quizzes
20%, final exam 46%.
As far as I can determine,
the last day to add or drop this course is
Friday, February 19, i.e., the day after the first midterm.
The last day to change your grading option should be Friday, April 1, i.e.,
the day after the second midterm.
grades will be assigned only to students for whom a documented
medical, personal or family emergency precludes completion of the course.
Students receiving such grades are required to have been doing work
of passing quality up to the intervention of the emergency.
You can deduce the
grade distribution
for this course
for 2013 and 2014 from
I calculated that the grade distribution was
39% A, 37% B, 18% C, 6% D/F, but you might want to check my work.
For 2015, the grades were distributed as follows:
38% A, 43% B, 15% C, 4% D/F.
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