- Ab initio quantum many-body description of superconducting trends in the cuprates
Zhi-Hao Cui, Junjie Yang, Johannes Tolle, Hong-Zhou Ye, Shunyue Yuan, Huanchen Zhai, Gunhee Park, Raehyun Kim, Xing Zhang, Lin Lin, Timothy C. Berkelbach, and Garnet Kin-Lic Chan Nature Communications, 2025.
- Interacting models for twisted bilayer graphene: A quantum chemistry approach
Fabian M. Faulstich, Kevin D. Stubbs, Qinyi Zhu, Tomohiro Soejima, Rohit Dilip, Huanchen Zhai, Raehyun Kim, Michael P. Zaletel, Garnet Kin-Lic Chan, and Lin Lin PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2023.
- Pure State v-Representability of Density Matrix Embedding Theory
Fabian M. Faulstich, Raehyun Kim, Zhi-Hao Cui, Zaiwen Wen, Garnet Kin-Lic Chan, and Lin Lin Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2022.
- Algebraic Multiscale Method for two-dimensional elliptic problems
Kanghun Cho, Imbunm Kim, Raehyun Kim and Dongwoo Sheen Multiscale Model and Simulation, (Submitted).
- Improving blocked matrix-matrix multiplication routine by utilizing AVX-512 instructions on intel knights landing and xeon scalable processors
Yoosang Park, Raehyun Kim, Thi My Tuyen Nguyen and Jaeyoung Choi Cluster Computing, 2021.
- Optimizing parallel GEMM routines using auto-tuning with Intel AVX-512
Raehyun Kim, Jaeyoung Choi and Myungho Lee HPC ASIA, 2019.
- Auto-tuning GEMM kernels on the Intel KNL and Intel Skylake-SP Processors,
Roktaek Lim, Yeongha Lee, Raehyun Kim and Jaeyoung Choi Journal of Supercomputing, 2018.
- An implementation of matrix-matrix multiplication on the Intel KNL processor with AVX-512,
Roktaek Lim, Yeongha Lee, Raehyun Kim and Jaeyoung Choi Cluster Computing, 2018.
- OpenMP-based parallel implementation of matrix-matrix multiplication on the Intel Knights Landing,
Roktaek Lim, Yeongha Lee, Raehyun Kim and Jaeyoung Choi Proceedings of Workshops of HPC ASIA, 2018.
- Pure State v-Representability of Density Matrix Embedding Theory
61st Sanibel Symposium, February 2022, St. Simons Island, GA, United States
- Auto-tuning Techniques for GEMM Implementation on the Intel Xeon Scalable Processors
Korea Supercomputing Conference 2018, October 2018, Seoul, Korea
- Developing Guidelines for the Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing
Winter School at Kyoto, February 2018, Kyoto, Japan
- Optimizing general matrix-matrix multiplication on the Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing Processor
Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation, February 2017, Seouguipo, Korea
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