Qiuyu Ren


I am a third year PhD student in pure mathematics at UC Berkeley working with Ian Agol. My research interests include low-dimensional topology (mostly 4-manifolds and knot theory) and some symplectic geometry.

Here is my cv (03/22/2024).

Ongoing/Upcoming Events


Below are some purely expository papers. Read with caution.

Past Events


I am a marathon runner. I won first place in the Baystate Half Marathon (under 20 age group), 2018. I won third place in the Baystate Marathon (20-29 age group), 2019. I won third place in the Berkeley Half Marathon (20-29 age group), 2022. Here is a photo of me. Currently I am taking a temporary retreat from running.
My PRs are 1:19:02 (02/27/2022 Berkeley Half Marathon); 2:38:07 (12/04/2022 California International Marathon (CIM)).

If you're looking to pass the time and can read Chinese, here are some fun logic puzzles.