Introduction to Weihrauch Reducibility in Computability Theory and Set Theory
Instructor: Patrick Lutz
Email: pglutz “at”
Lectures: MWF 12-12:50 pm, MS 6201
This course is organized around the concept of Weihrauch reducibility. The core idea is that many reducibilities studied in computability theory and set theory can be seen as variations on Weihrauch reducibility. If we interpret “variation” liberally enough, this is trivially true so the (slightly) more precise claim is that many of these reducibilites retain something of the flavor of Weihrauch reducibility. Among these reducibilities are Medvedev and Muchnik reducibility, computable reducibility, Wadge reducibility, continuous reducibility and, of course, Weihrauch reducibility itself.
Throughout the course, we will explore each of these reducibilities. We will begin with an introduction to Weihrauch reducibility and some background on computable analysis. We will then use Weihrauch reducibility to compare various computational problems from computable analysis, combinatorics and reverse math. We will also discuss operations on computational problems and the algebraic structure of the Weihrauch degrees. Next we will discuss Medvedev and Muchnik reducibility as well as the enumeration degrees and the continuous degrees.
In the second half of the course, we will turn to set theory. We will begin with an introduction to Wadge reducibility and then move on to continuous reducibility. We will cover topics such as the Solecki dichotomy, the decomposability conjecture, and Martin’s conjecture. Along the way, we will see several interesting open questions.
All undergraduate students enrolled in the course are expected to complete the following coursework.
Graduate students are encouraged to try to solve the homework problems but do not need to turn anything in.
Here I will list interesting open questions connected to the course content.
Here is a list of books, surveys and papers relevant to the topic of the course. This list will be updated throughout the course.