Fall 2023: Math 53 Lec 002 DIS 206 and DIS 209

GSI : Ning Tang
Office : Evans 1010
Location and Time : DIS 206(Cory 289, 10:00AM-10:59AM), DIS 209(Evans 87, 11:00AM-11:59AM)
Office Hours : Wed 12-1pm, Th 7-8pm (See the bCourses site for location)
bCourses Webpage : bCourses-Math53 - DIS206, 209 (Fall 2023)


(8/28) This Wednesday, Ryan will substitute me for both discussions. Office hour this week is held 7-8pm on Thursday on zoom. Zoom ID : 624 815 7811
(8/23) Preferences for OHs : https://www.when2meet.com/?21011169-vV4cI
(8/8) Website is created.


I will be following the syllabus in Spring 2017 ( Syllabus Fall 2017 ) to write worksheets. The worksheets will be updated before each discussion session to contain the contents needed. The worksheets are partly adapted from the ones used by Catherine Cannizzo. Most of the problems are taken from Thomas's Calculus and our textbook.

Useful Links

Recordings - Edward Frenkel, Fall 2009
Recordings - Peter Koroteev, Summer 2020
Lecture Notes - Peter Koroteev, Summer 2020
Web-based Calculus Textbooks and Problem Books (Topics related to Math 53 : CLP 3, 4)
Paul's Online Notes (Topics related to Math 53 : Math 2414 and 3435)