Fall 2024: Math 290 PDE Learning Seminar

Location and Time : Evans 748, Tuesday 10AM - Noon
A list of tentative topics : Topics on Soliton Dynamics


We will have our first meeting on September 3, starting from 11AM. (Note the time change.)
If you would like to join the mailing list to receive future announcements, please click here or email me.
Notes for each talk will be posted to Google Drive Folder .


Date Topic References Speaker
09/03 Organizational Meeting
09/10 No Talk
09/17 Existence, uniqueness and symmetry of solitons [Tao '06] Robert
09/24 Orbital stability via variational approach [Grillakis-Shatah-Strauss '87, Cazenave-Lions '82] Daniel
10/01 Normal form transformation and vector field method for Klein-Gordon [Shatah '85, Klainerman '87] Ning
10/08 Classical modulation theory [Stuart '01] Tom
10/15 Asymptotic stability of KdV [Pego-Weinstein '94] Ely
10/22 Kink stability - (distorted) Fourier transform [Lindblad-Lührmann-Schlag-Soffer '23, Lührmann-Schlag '23] Ryan
10/29 Topological solitons of harmonic map heat flow, Schrodinger map [Gustafson-Nakanishi-Tsai '10] Jason
11/05 Construction of multi-soliton solutions for semilinear equations in dimension 3 Istvan Kadar (external speaker)
11/12 No talk
11/19 Kink stability - virial/energy methods [Kowalczyk-Martel-Muñoz '17, Kowalczyk-Martel '22] Yuchen
12/16 The geodesic hypothesis in general relativity [Stuart '04, Stuart '04, Yang '14] Federico & Ning