Nikhil Srivastava

Associate Professor of Mathematics (1035 Evans Hall)
Senior Scientist, Simons Institute (204 Calvin Lab)
UC Berkeley.

email: firstname at

Research Interests: theoretical computer science, algebraic graph theory, random matrices, asymptotic convex geometry, geometry of polynomials.

Fall 2024 Office Hours: T 1:30pm-3:pm, Th 12:30pm-2:00pm in 1035 Evans.

Current Teaching: none

Seminars: Student Discrete Analysis Seminar: schedule. Thursdays at 12:30pm in 732 Evans.
Spectral Theory Seminar (w/ Jitomirskaya and Zworski): schedule. Wednesdays 12:00pm-1:00pm in 939 Evans.



Thesis: Spectral Sparsification and Restricted Invertibility [PDF] [slides]
Advisor: Dan Spielman.

Current Graduate Students:Rikhav Shah, Zack Stier, Isabel Detherage.
Past Graduate Students: Jorge Garza Vargas (co-advised with Dan Voiculescu), Theo McKenzie, Jess Banks, Satyaki Mukherjee, Archit Kulkarni, Nick Ryder, Aaron Schild (EECS, co-advised with Satish Rao)

Program Committees: ITCS 2023, ITCS 2021, STOC 2019, FOCS 2018, ITCS 2017, ICALP 2016, STOC 2015, FSTTCS 2012.

Organizational Activities: MSRI Hot Topics 3/15, BIRS Algebraic Graph Theory 7/16, IPAM Quantitative Linear Algebra, Spring 2018, Simons Geometry of Polynomials, Spring 2019.

IPAM lectures on Expected Characteristic Polynomials: one, two, three.

Simons Institute Tutorial on Graph Sparsification: one, two, three.

General Audience Talk on Graph Sparsification: [vimeo] (Kavli Frontiers of Science, Agra 2013)

Previous Teaching

Math 55, Discrete Mathematics

Fall 2021: Math 55, Discrete Mathematics

Spring 2021:Berkeley Connect

Spring 2021: Math 54

Fall 2020:Math 224A: Mathematical Methods for Physical Sciences.

Spring 2020: Math 54

Fall 2019:Math 224A: Mathematical Methods for Physical Sciences.

Fall 2018: Math 54

Spring 2018: Math 53, Multivariable Calculus.

Spring 2017/18: Berkeley Connect

Fall 2016: Math 54, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations.

Spring 2016: Math 55, Discrete Mathematics

Fall 2015: Math 185, Complex Analysis

Fall 2015: Math 270, Hot Topics: The Geometry of Polynomials in Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Probability

Spring 2015: Math 121A, Mathematical Tools for the Physical Sciences

Spring 2012: COS 521 Advanced Algorithms (Princeton)

Funding: I am grateful to the NSF and to the Sloan Foundation for generously supporting my research.

Previously, I was at Microsoft Research India, Princeton, MSRI, IAS, Yale, and Union College.