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(Dec 18)Posted final exam solutions. We hope to have grading finished in time to allow regrade requests for a brief period before course grades are compiled. Happy holidays, everyone!
(Dec 5) Posted previous final exams for review, and the sign-up for my RRR week office hours, which will be Tuesday and Friday 10:30am-12:30pm.
(Nov 4) Midterm 2 grading is complete. Regrade requests will be open through Wednesday, Nov. 10.
(Oct 29) Midterm 2 solutions are posted. We hope to have the exams graded by early next week.
(Oct 19) Midterm 2 is Thursday, Oct. 28. The rooms have changed and are not the same as Midterm 1. The new rooms by last name are A-P in 155 Dwinelle, Q-Z in 145 Dwinelle.
(Sept 30) Midterm 1 grading is complete. You can view your graded exam on Gradescope. See the email message from Gradescope for the score to letter grade scale. Regrade requests will be open on Gradescope for one week, until midnight Thursday, Oct. 7. Scores will only be changed in cases of clear error on the part of the grader.
(Sept 24) I've posted Midterm 1 solutions. We expect to have exams graded by early next week, after which there will be a time for regrade requests. I've also posted better instructions for remote exams, to help avoid problems that many students had with Midterm 1. If you are taking exams remotely, please read them under exam information, below.
(Sept 13) Midterm exam dates and rooms now confirmed. Midterm 1 is Thursday, Sept 23. More info under Exams, below.
(Aug 20) Welcome to Math 1A! Check this page for further announcements and updates.
My office hours will usually be on Tuesdays 10:30-11:30 and 12:30-1. Space in my office is limited, so you will need to sign up, maximum 6 students at a time.
RRR week office hours Tues 12/7 and Friday 12/10, 10:30-12:30, same sign up sheet as before.
In place of longer traditional office hours, and so I can be available to both remote and in-person students, I will follow and help moderate the discussion on Piazza. You can also contact me by email. For any personal concerns, you can post privately to instructors on Piazza, or contact me to make an appointment.
This is a very large class, so your best resources for most math questions will be your discussion section instructors and the Piazza discussion forum, where you can post questions to be answered by the instructors and your fellow students.
Class page on bCourses.
Class page on Piazza discussion and Q&A forum.
The Student Learning Center offers drop-in tutoring and a 1-unit adjunct Math 98 course for help with study strategies, problem solving and exam preparation.
Lectures will be prerecorded for viewing online at any time in the bCourses Media Gallery. Each 80 minute lecture is divided into several parts. PDF files of the virtual blackboard slides can be found here under the bCourses Files menu. I'll try to post the videos and slides well ahead of the corresponding lecture date. See the schedule below for the dates corresponding to the lectures.
In-person midterm exams will be held during the official class period, 3:30-5pm, on Thurs. Sept. 23 and Thurs. Oct. 28. Unless you are enrolled in one of the remote discussion sections you need to keep times available for exams.
Most sections are in person; see Cal Central for times. You need to enroll in both the lecture and a discussion section. You may not attend a different section than the one you are enrolled in.
Some remote discussion sections are available for students who are unable to return to campus. Students enrolled in these sections will also have remote exams (different from the in-person exams). Zoom links for the remote sections are on the class bCourses page.
The Course Catalog description for Math 1A reads:
"This sequence is intended for majors in engineering and the physical sciences. An introduction to differential and integral calculus of functions of one variable, with applications and an introduction to transcendental functions."
To this I would add that in learning calculus you will come to share in one of the great intellectual achievements of humankind. Calculus provides essential concepts for understanding basic phenomena in all the quantitative sciences, along with useful techniques for carrying out computations. As a result, we can now solve problems with ease which had mystified thinkers for millenia before the tools of calculus were developed.
Three and one-half years of high school math, including trigonometry and analytic geometry, plus a satisfactory grade in one of the following: CEEB MAT test, an AP test, the UC/CSU math diagnostic test, or 32. Consult the mathematics department for details. Students with AP credit should consider choosing a course more advanced than 1A.
All enrollment is through Cal Central. The section instructors and I have no control over it. Students on the wait list will have access to bCourses to keep up with the class. Usually enough spaces open up during the first week or two to accomodate waitlisted students, however I can't make promises.
For more information, see the Math Dept enrollment info page.
James Stewart, Single Variable Calculus: Math 1A,B at UC Berkeley, 8th Edition (Cengage, 2016), ISBN 978-1305765276. Available from the Cal Student Store
This is a reduced price abridged version of Stewart's Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 8th Edition (ISBN 978-1285741550) containing the chapters we cover in Math 1A and 1B at Berkeley. You can also use the full 8th Edition. I do not advise using older editions, since reading and homework assignments may not match.
This class has two midterm exams and a final exam.
Covers lectures 1-7, homework sets 1-3.
For review, here are some first midterms from my Math 1A classes in previous years: Spring 17, solutions; Spring 14, solutions (there's a mistake on Spring 14 Problem 5: cos(x) should be replaced by sin(x) in both the question and the solution).
These exams mostly covered the same topics as Midterm 1 will. Note, however, that on the 2014 midterm, question 4 and and the part of question 6 on horizontal asymptotes cover topics from Lecture 8 this year, which are not on our Midterm 1. Also, the prior year exams were 50 minutes instead of 80, so expect Midterm 1 to be somewhat longer.
For additional practice I suggest reviewing homework sets 1-3 and picking out similar problems from the textbook .
Covers lectures 8-16, homework sets 4-8, Textbook chapters 2.6-2.8, 3.1-3.10, 4.1-4.3.
Here are some more midterm exams from my previous Math 1A classes for review: Spring 17 Midterm 2 (solutions), Spring 14 Midterm 2 (solutions). Question 1 on Spring 14 Midterm 3 (solutions) is also relevant; the other questions were on material we haven't covered yet. Remember that these were 50 minute exams, so our exam will be longer.
In-person final exam solutions
The final exam covers all course material. About half of it will be on the new material after Midterm 2.
Here are some previous final exams for review: Fall 2010 (solutions), Spring 2014 (solutions), Spring 2017 (solutions). You might also want to review the previous Midterms 1 and 2 posted above, along with Fall 2010 Midterm 3 (solutions), Spring 14 Midterm 3 (solutions), Spring 2017 Midterm 3 (solutions).
On midterms you may use one 2-sided sheet of notes (on normal notebook sized paper) which you prepare yourself. On the final you may use two sheets of notes. No other notes, books, calculators or electronic devices may be used during exams.
If your discussion section is in-person, you must take the in-person exam, unless you get permission from Prof. Haiman to take the remote exam. Permission will be given for good reasons, such as having to isolate because of Covid-19 symptoms.
Remote exams will be given on Gradescope (see below) as timed exams to be taken during a 24 hour window from 12:00am to 11:59pm Califonia time on the day of the in-person exam. The time allowed will be the official exam time (80 minutes for midterms, 3 hours for the final) plus 10 minutes to allow for downloading, printing, scanning and uploading.
Be sure to start the exam with enough time to finish by midnight and to leave time for uploading. Gradescope will not accept late exams.
Remote exams are open book and different from the in-person exams, but cover similar material. Previous exams for review are posted with the in-person exam information above.
Midterm 1: on Gradescope as of 12:00am Thurs. Sept. 23, shown as "Midterm 1 for remote students"
Midterm 2: on Gradescope as of 12:00am Thurs. Oct. 28, shown as "Midterm 2 for remote students"
Final Exam: on Gradescope as of 12:00am Fri. Dec. 17, shown as "Final Exam for remote students".
When you start your time, Gradescope will give you a PDF file of the exam to download.
If possible, write your answers on a copy of the exam, either digitally or on paper. If you need more space for an answer, add extra pages at the end, and indicate clearly that your answer continues later.
If you can't write on the exam itself (for instance, if you don't have access to a printer), write on blank paper or on a digital device, with one page for every exam page including the first page, numbering your answers with the same layout as on the exam. If you need more space for an answer, continue on extra pages, just as if you were writing on a copy of the exam.
When finished, upload your work as a single PDF file with at least as many pages as the exam. On exams, this is the only format that Gradescope will accept. If you have a scanner or are writing on a tablet device, it should be straightforward to save as a PDF file. Gradescope's Guide to Submitting PDF Homework has helpful information on how to create a PDF using a scanning app on a mobile device (note that page 3 of the guide applies to homework, but not timed exams).
You can upload more than once; the last version counts. To be safe, you might want to upload a preliminary version 20-30 minutes before time expires, then continue to work on any questions you hadn't finished.
If you run into trouble uploading your work, email it right away to Prof. Haiman at so I know you completed it on time.
My apologies for not giving better instructions before Midterm 1, causing many students to have trouble uploading. I hope these new instructions will help everyone avoid problems.
On remote exams, you may consult the textbook, other books and notes, and non-interactive web resources. Calculators are allowed but should not be needed.
You may not assist or receive assistance from anyone other than class instructors, or use web resources that provide answers to questions interactively.
Private posting to instructors on Piazza with questions concerning the exam, or contacting your instructor by email, are allowed. However, we can't promise to be able to answer in time. I will do my best to make exam questions clear and avoid mistakes.
Since you are allowed to consult the book, remote exam questions may be somewhat more difficult than in-person exam questions. I will set the raw score to letter grade conversions for remote and in-person exams separately, in order to make grading as fair as possible given the differing circumstances.
The class grading policy, below, allows you to miss one midterm exam essentially without penalty. For this reason there will be no makeup exams except in extraordinary circumstances.
Students who need accommodations on exams must provide documentation from the Disabled Students' Program (DSP) and contact me at least a week before the exam so I can make arrangements.
Homework assignments will mostly consist of problems to be done online using WeBWorK (instructions below). Sometimes I will also assign written problems of my own or from the textbook on topics that WeBWorK doesn't cover fully.
Homework assignments will be due Sunday nights at 11:59pm. You can submit written assignments either by scanning them and uploading to Gradescope (see below), or in discussion sections, if in-person. The Sunday night deadline applies to Gradescope submissions. If you turn in written homework in discussion sections, you must do so by the Friday before.
You may collaborate with other students on the homework, provided you work on each problem and enter it into WeBWorK yourself. If you do work together you will notice that WeBWorK creates different versions of the problems for each student.
Copying homework solutions done by another student or by an automated system such as Wolfram Alpha is not allowed. Although I have no way to enforce this rule, I can assure you that copying solutions you have not worked out yourself will end up costing you more in the form of poor preparation for exams than whatever few extra homework points you might gain.
Homework extensions will only be granted occasionally and for documented, valid reasons. Since WeBWorK automatically releases solutions after the due deadline, I can only give extensions if you contact me well ahead of time. For the same reason I will generally not give extensions on written homework, since solutions will be posted the next day. In cases where an extension would be justified but is not possible, I may excuse an assignment instead.
Homework assignments will be announced well in advance, so there should rarely be need for extensions if you don't put off working on them.
We will cover Chapters 1-6 from the textbook, omitting sections 3.11, 4.6 and 6.4-6.5.
Homework 0 is to take the MDTP calculus diagnostic assessment, if you haven't already taken it this summer, by following these instructions. You get full credit for this assignment if you complete the MDTP by Sept. 5, regardless of your score.
WeBWorK Set 0 is a tutorial and does not count for credit.
I will update the schedule as the semester progresses, and may revise it if exam dates change.
Week | Lectures | Reading | WeBWorK | Written homework | Remarks |
8/25-8/27 | 1 | 1.1-1.2 | Set 0 | Take the MDTP (see above) by Sept. 5 | |
8/30-9/3 | 2-3 | 1.3-1.5 | Set 1 | WebWork only, due Sept. 5 | |
9/6-9/10 | 4-5 | 2.1-2.3 | Set 2 | WebWork only, due Sept. 12 | No class 9/6 |
9/13-9/17 | 6-7 | 2.4-2.5 | Set 3 | WebWork plus Supplementary problems, due Sept. 19. Solutions | |
9/20-9/24 | 8 | 2.6 | Set 4 | WebWork only, due Sept. 26 | Midterm 1 9/23 |
9/27-10/1 | 9-10 | 2.7-2.8, 3.1 | Set 5 | WebWork only, due Oct. 3 | |
10/4-10/8 | 11-12 | 3.2-3.5 | Set 6 | WebWork only, due Oct. 10 | |
10/11-10/15 | 13-14 | 3.6-3.9 | Set 7 | WebWork only, due Oct. 17 | |
10/18-10/22 | 15-16 | 3.10, 4.1-4.3 | Set 8 | WebWork only, due Oct. 24 | |
10/25-10/29 | 17 | 4.3, 4.5, 4.7 | Set 9 | WebWork only, due Oct. 31 | Midterm 2 10/28 |
11/1-11/5 | 18-19 | 4.4, 4.8 | Set 10 | WebWork only, due Nov. 7 | |
11/8-11/12 | 20 | 4.9 | Set 11 | WebWork only, due Nov. 14 | No lecture 11/11 |
11/15-11/19 | 21-22 | 5.1-5.4 | Set 12 | WebWork only, due Nov. 21 | |
11/22-11/26 | 23 | 5.5 | Set 13 | WebWork only, due Nov. 28 | No class or lecture 11/24-11/26 |
11/29-12/3 | 24-25 | 6.1-6.3 | Set 14 | WebWork only, due Dec. 5. Please take a few minutes to do the online course evaluation | |
Reading/Review Week 12/6-12/10 | |||||
Final Exam Friday Dec. 17, 7-10pm |
WeBWorK, accessible from the bCourses menu, is an online homework system that automatically checks your answers and records your scores.
To get started, do Homework Set 0 in WeBWorK, which is a tutorial on using the system. It has no due date and doesn't count for credit.
If you have problems getting WeBWorK to work properly, try clearing your browser's cache. We have updated to a new version of WeBWorK, which can cause problems if your browser has saved information while using the old version.
Regular homework sets are due one minute before midnight on Sundays, starting Sept. 5 for Homework Set 1. Solutions become available immediately after the due deadline.
You can attempt each problem as many times as you like. If you don't get a problem right on the first try, check to be sure that the answer you entered is what you meant. If so, then double check your calculations for arithmetic mistakes.
If you still have trouble after checking for mistakes, re-read the problem carefully to be sure you understood it correctly. Then think again about your strategy for solving the problem—maybe the method you need to use is different from your first idea.
We will grade exams and written homework using the online grading tool Gradescope, accessible from the bCourses menu. Your graded work will be returned on Gradescope. You can submit regrade requests on Gradescope if you find any errors in grading. Since Gradescope and WeBWorK also record your scores, you can use them to keep track of how you are doing.
The instructors will scan in-person exams and written homework submitted in discussion sections into Gradescope. Students in remote sections will download exams from Gradescope and then scan and submit their own completed work.
All students are welcome to scan and submit their own written homework on Gradescope (in remote sections, that will be the only way to do it). By doing so, you have until Sunday evening to complete your work, instead of your Friday discussion section time.
For homework (remote exams are different: see instructions) Gradescope will accept either a PDF file or photos. Options are (1) Write on a tablet or computer and save as PDF, (2) Use a scanner or scanning app to convert work on paper to PDF, or (3) Snap photos of work on paper. For readability, methods (1) or (2) are usually better than (3). Gradescope will have you indicate where your answers to each question are located in your uploaded files.
Here is a detailed Guide to Submitting PDF Homework in Gradescope
Students who add the class appear on the bCourses roster the next day, and then on Gradescope after I sync the rosters. If you can't access Gradescope soon after adding the class, feel free to remind me to update the roster.
Homework 15%
Midterm Exams: 20% each
Final Exam: 45%
Your lowest midterm exam grade (after conversion from raw score to letter grade points) will be overridden by your final exam grade if it is higher. This policy allows you to miss one midterm essentially without penalty.
All homework assignments count, none are dropped. WeBWorK will give automatic extensions on the first assignments to students who add the class late. If you have other valid reasons to request an extension on a homework assignment, please contact Professor Haiman before the set closes and answers are released.
Makeup exams will not be given except in extraordinary circumstances. If you have to miss both midterm exams or the final exam because of a serious, documented medical or family emergency to miss, contact Professor Haiman to discuss your options.
Missing both midterms or the final exam without a valid excuse will have a strongly negative impact on your grade. It is your responsibility to make sure you do not have conflicts with exam times.
The grade of Incomplete is given only after consultation with Professor Haiman, in cases where a student has missed the final exam for a valid reason and has passing grades on the remaining coursework. An Incomplete received under these circumstances would be completed by taking the final exam with a Math 1A class in the following semester.
Cheating on homework or exams by copying answers that you did not work out yourself, giving or receiving assistance on exams, or using non-allowed materials or electronic devices, constitutes academic misconduct in violation of the UC Berkeley Code of Student Conduct. Cheating may result in a negative score on the affected work and possibly in further disciplinary action.
CALCULUS.ORG web page with links to many helpful calculus resources
History of calculus page from St. Andrews University, Scotland