Numerical methods in general and optimization methods will make more
sense once they are implemented in software and run on concrete
problems. For this reason, we will have frequent programming
assignments and two term projects in matlab.
This information document covers the following subjects: enrollment, how to contact the staff, prerequisites,
textbook, Math 98,
handouts and announcements, course work and grading, exam dates,
grade range,
Matlab codes, Term Projects, homework assignments,
sample tests, and academic integrity.
Enrollment is entirely done online. So if you are waitlisted, check
online often to see if you can enroll. If you have questions about
enrollment, please immediately contact Thomas Brown of the Math Department at
If you have a general question about something that is NOT
covered here, or if you wish to talk with me, the easiest
way is to come during office hours. Otherwise, please make
an appointment by sending me email.
Prof. Ming Gu
Office: Evans 861
Office Hours: TuWTh 3:30-4:30PM, or by appointment.
Phone: 642-3145
The prerequisites are Math 53 and 54 or equivalent. The students are
assumed to have the necessary matlab skills to finish their
programming assignments and projects by themselves. If you have
doubts about these prerequisites, please contact the
Our textbook is
Math 98
Matlab is going to be the programming language for this
class. Good matlab programming skills can go a long way to
earning you a descent grade in this class. The Math Department
offers a 1-credit class Math 98 this semester to help those
who want to learn or enhance their matlab skills. This class
lasts for about 5-6 weeks. if you would like to learn more about Matlab. For more
details, please see
Per Math Department policy, MATH 170 students are encouraged to audit, but not enroll, in the class.
There will be no handouts to be distributed in the class. All material
is posted on the class home
page on the WWW at /~mgu/MA170F2015
Announcements will be made through the class website or email.
Course Work and Grading
There are a total of 100 points you can earn toward your final grade
in the course. There will be one midterm exam and two term projects,
each worth 20 points. The final exam is worth 20 points. In addition
to exams, there will be 13 weekly homeworks, the best 10 of which will
earn you 2 points each. Homeworks will be partially graded by our
class reader every week. There will be no late homework,
projects, or make-up exams.
Homework is due on Tuesday in class. The
homework is a fixture of written and programming assignments to be done individually, although
group discussion is allowed. Note that this means there
will be homework in the midterm exam week as well. We
will have a review and provide a sample test before each exam.
Exam Dates
Grade Range
Your final letter grade will be determined based on your own performance. Below is a break-down of grade range
We will give no credit for homework turned in after the
due date. The only exception to this policy is medical or personal
emergencies. Grades of Incomplete will be granted only for dire medical
or personal emergencies that cause you to miss the final,
and only if your work up to that point has been
Sample Exams