Math 16A, Calculus and Its Applications, Fall 2009.
- Class Information
- DSP students will take their exams in room 939 Evans
from 8:00AM to 12:30PM.
- Alex will have a review in 3 LeConte from 4:00-6:00PM
on Thursday; and Gwyneth will have a review from
10:00AM-Noon on Thursday. Contact her regarding the location.
- Final Exam is from 8:00 - 11:00 AM in the Pauley
Ballroom at the MLK Student Union.
Sample Final Exam and
Solutions , with changes made on Dec. 7, 2009.
Midterm II Grade Curve.
- Gwyneth will have extra office hours in 740 Evans on
Thursday from 11:00AM t0 1:00PM. Alex will have a review on
Sunday 4:00-6:00PM in 60 Evans.
- DSP Students: Your exam will be at 959 Evans, starting
at 10:00AM. Your extra time in the exam will be that
recommended by the DSP office.
- The second midterm exam will cover all the material up
to and include Section 4.1, although the emphasis will be on
material discussed since the first midterm.
Sample Midterm II Solutions.
Sample Midterm II . This sample contains problems that
might be similar to questions that will appear in the actual
exam. However, this does not imply that the actual exam will
be similar to the sample midterm.
Midterm I Grade Curve, with 80% of grades included.
- Per popular request, here are
brief solutions to Sample Midterm I .
- DSP students: Your midterm exam starts at 10:10AM at
961 Evans Hall. You can take either 50% or 100% extra time
depending on the suggestions from the DSP office.
Sample Midterm I . This sample contains more problems
than the actual exam, but it represents the kinds of problems
that might appear there.
- Starting from this week, the DSP students will take
their quizzes during office hours with their GSIs. Please
talk with your GSI to make the necessary
arrangements (posted Sept. 14.)
- There are still openings in 8:00-9:00AM
discussion sections. Please take them asap.
- We are actively working on accomodating the extra time
requirements of DSP students for quizzes. Please be
- General information about the course can be found at
Information on GSI office hours and discussion sections (203
and 207) has been updated (Sept. 10.)
- We will closely follow the
Course Outline for Math 16A provided by the Math
Department. This includes how many hours we will spend on
each Chapter of the text. We will try to cover all of the
material in our text. Basically, we will spend an hour for
each section from Chapter 1 to Chapter 6, and half an hour
for each section in Chapter 0.
- Plots
- Exams and Solutions
- Homework Assignments
Homework # 1, Due Sept. 3, 2009.
Homework # 2, Due Sept. 10, 2009.
Homework # 3, Due Sept. 17, 2009.
Homework # 4, Due Sept. 24, 2009.
Homework # 5, Due Oct. 1, 2009.
Homework # 6, Due Oct. 8, 2009.
Homework # 7, Due Oct. 15, 2009.
Homework # 8, Due Oct. 22, 2009.
Homework # 9, Due Oct. 29, 2009.
Homework # 10, Due Nov. 5, 2009.
Homework # 11, Due Nov. 12, 2009.
Homework # 12, Due Nov. 19, 2009.
Homework # 13, Due Dec. 3, 2009.
Homework # 14, Due Dec. 3, 2009.