There is a one-credit Math98 course on basic Matlab that runs through the first 6 weeks of the semester. I encourage you to take it if you would like to learn more about Matlab. For more details, please see
MATLAB will be available
You can also try the freely available software package Octave. Be aware that the Octave syntax is largely, but not completely, compatible with Matlab.
We will give no credit for written homework and programming assignment turned in after the due date and there will be no make up quizzes and exams. In case you have to miss the midterm exam, your final will be worth 60 points. You fail the class if you do not take the final exam.
Here are the quiz and exam dates:
Homeworks and programming assignments will involve written
assignments to be done individually, although group
discussion is allowed. Basic programming skills will be
needed in both homework and programming assignments. The
GSIs and myself will offer help for languages we are
familiar with (mostly matlab.)
There will be no class performance curve. Your final letter grade will be determined based on the total number of points you earn in the class. Below is a list of cut-offs.
In general the absolute majority of the class will get A and
B level grades. To get a good grade, make sure you do your
homework and programming assignments on time, and prepare
well for your quizzes; your total exam scores (60 points)
alone will only give you a C-.
Grades of Incomplete will be granted only for dire medical
or personal emergencies that cause you to miss the final,
and only if your work up to that point has been