| BTreeBcast (const MPI_Comm &pComm, Int *ranks, Int rank_cnt, Int msgSize) |
virtual BTreeBcast * | clone () const |
| TreeBcast (const MPI_Comm &pComm, Int *ranks, Int rank_cnt, Int msgSize) |
| TreeBcast (const TreeBcast &Tree) |
virtual void | Copy (const TreeBcast &Tree) |
virtual Int | GetNumRecvMsg () |
virtual Int | GetNumMsgToRecv () |
void | SetDataReady (bool rdy) |
void | SetTag (Int tag) |
Int * | GetDests () |
Int | GetDest (Int i) |
Int | GetDestCount () |
Int | GetRoot () |
Int | GetMsgSize () |
void | ForwardMessage (char *data, size_t size, int tag, MPI_Request *requests) |
virtual void | buildTree (Int *ranks, Int rank_cnt) |
static TreeBcast * | Create (const MPI_Comm &pComm, Int *ranks, Int rank_cnt, Int msgSize, double rseed) |
Int | myRoot_ |
MPI_Comm | comm_ |
vector< Int > | myDests_ |
Int | myRank_ |
Int | msgSize_ |
bool | isReady_ |
Int | mainRoot_ |
Int | tag_ |
Int | numRecv_ |
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