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interface.cpp File Reference

Interface subroutines of PPEXSI that can be called by both C and FORTRAN. More...

#include "c_pexsi_interface.h"
#include "ppexsi.hpp"
#include "pexsi/blas.hpp"


#define iC(fun)   { int ierr=fun; if(ierr!=0) exit(1); }
#define iA(expr)   { if((expr)==0) { std::cerr<<"wrong "<<__LINE__<<" in " <<__FILE__<<std::endl; std::cerr.flush(); exit(1); } }


void ReadDistSparseMatrixFormattedHeadInterface (char *filename, int *size, int *nnz, int *nnzLocal, int *numColLocal, MPI_Comm comm)
 Read the sizes of a DistSparseMatrix in formatted form (txt) for allocating memory in C. More...
void ReadDistSparseMatrixFormattedInterface (char *filename, int size, int nnz, int nnzLocal, int numColLocal, int *colptrLocal, int *rowindLocal, double *nzvalLocal, MPI_Comm comm)
 Reading the data of a formatted DistSparseMatrix. More...
void ReadDistSparseMatrixHeadInterface (char *filename, int *size, int *nnz, int *nnzLocal, int *numColLocal, MPI_Comm comm)
 Read the sizes of a DistSparseMatrix in unformatted form (csc) for allocating memory in C. More...
void ParaReadDistSparseMatrixInterface (char *filename, int size, int nnz, int nnzLocal, int numColLocal, int *colptrLocal, int *rowindLocal, double *nzvalLocal, MPI_Comm comm)
 Actual reading the data of a DistSparseMatrix using MPI-IO, assuming that the arrays have been allocated outside this subroutine. More...
void PPEXSISetDefaultOptions (PPEXSIOptions *options)
 Set the default options for DFT driver. More...
PPEXSIPlan PPEXSIPlanInitialize (MPI_Comm comm, int numProcRow, int numProcCol, int outputFileIndex, int *info)
 Initialize the PEXSI plan. More...
void PPEXSILoadRealHSMatrix (PPEXSIPlan plan, PPEXSIOptions options, int nrows, int nnz, int nnzLocal, int numColLocal, int *colptrLocal, int *rowindLocal, double *HnzvalLocal, int isSIdentity, double *SnzvalLocal, int *info)
 Load the real H and S matrices into the PEXSI internal data structure. H and S can be either real symmetric or real unsymmetric. More...
void PPEXSILoadComplexHSMatrix (PPEXSIPlan plan, PPEXSIOptions options, int nrows, int nnz, int nnzLocal, int numColLocal, int *colptrLocal, int *rowindLocal, double *HnzvalLocal, int isSIdentity, double *SnzvalLocal, int *info)
 Load the complex H and S matrices into the PEXSI internal data structure. H and S can be either complex symmetric or complex unsymmetric. More...
void PPEXSISymbolicFactorizeRealSymmetricMatrix (PPEXSIPlan plan, PPEXSIOptions options, int *info)
 Separately perform symbolic factorization to prepare factorization and selected inversion for real arithmetic matrices. More...
void PPEXSISymbolicFactorizeRealUnsymmetricMatrix (PPEXSIPlan plan, PPEXSIOptions options, double *AnzvalLocal, int *info)
 Separately perform symbolic factorization to prepare factorization and selected inversion for real arithmetic matrices. More...
void PPEXSISymbolicFactorizeComplexSymmetricMatrix (PPEXSIPlan plan, PPEXSIOptions options, int *info)
 Separately perform symbolic factorization to prepare factorization and selected inversion for complex arithmetic matrices. More...
void PPEXSISymbolicFactorizeComplexUnsymmetricMatrix (PPEXSIPlan plan, PPEXSIOptions options, double *AnzvalLocal, int *info)
 Separately perform symbolic factorization to prepare factorization and selected inversion for complex arithmetic matrices. More...
void PPEXSIInertiaCountRealMatrix (PPEXSIPlan plan, PPEXSIOptions options, int numShift, double *shiftList, double *inertiaList, int *info)
 Directly compute the negative inertia at a set of shifts for real matrices. More...
void PPEXSIInertiaCountComplexMatrix (PPEXSIPlan plan, PPEXSIOptions options, int numShift, double *shiftList, double *inertiaList, int *info)
 Directly compute the negative inertia at a set of shifts for complex matrices. More...
void PPEXSICalculateFermiOperatorReal (PPEXSIPlan plan, PPEXSIOptions options, double mu, double numElectronExact, double *numElectronPEXSI, double *numElectronDrvMuPEXSI, int *info)
 Directly compute the negative inertia at a set of shifts. More...
void PPEXSICalculateFermiOperatorComplex (PPEXSIPlan plan, PPEXSIOptions options, double mu, double numElectronExact, double *numElectronPEXSI, double *numElectronDrvMuPEXSI, int *info)
 Compute the density matrices and number of electrons for a given chemical potential. Here H and S are complex Hermitian matrices (even though S is real in electronic structure calculation) More...
void PPEXSISelInvRealSymmetricMatrix (PPEXSIPlan plan, PPEXSIOptions options, double *AnzvalLocal, double *AinvnzvalLocal, int *info)
 Simplified driver interface for computing the selected elements of a real symmetric matrix. More...
void PPEXSISelInvRealUnsymmetricMatrix (PPEXSIPlan plan, PPEXSIOptions options, double *AnzvalLocal, double *AinvnzvalLocal, int *info)
 Simplified driver interface for computing the selected elements of a real unsymmetric matrix. More...
void PPEXSISelInvComplexSymmetricMatrix (PPEXSIPlan plan, PPEXSIOptions options, double *AnzvalLocal, double *AinvnzvalLocal, int *info)
 Simplified driver interface for computing the selected elements of a complex symmetric matrix. More...
void PPEXSISelInvComplexUnsymmetricMatrix (PPEXSIPlan plan, PPEXSIOptions options, double *AnzvalLocal, double *AinvnzvalLocal, int *info)
 Simplified driver interface for computing the selected elements of a complex unsymmetric matrix. More...
void PPEXSIDFTDriver (PPEXSIPlan plan, PPEXSIOptions options, double numElectronExact, double *muPEXSI, double *numElectronPEXSI, double *muMinInertia, double *muMaxInertia, int *numTotalInertiaIter, int *numTotalPEXSIIter, int *info)
 Simplified driver for solving Kohn-Sham DFT. More...
void PPEXSIDFTDriver2 (PPEXSIPlan plan, PPEXSIOptions options, double numElectronExact, double *muPEXSI, double *numElectronPEXSI, double *muMinInertia, double *muMaxInertia, int *numTotalInertiaIter, int *info)
 Simplified driver for solving Kohn-Sham DFT. Version 2. This is still in test phase. More...
void PPEXSIRetrieveRealDFTMatrix (PPEXSIPlan plan, double *DMnzvalLocal, double *EDMnzvalLocal, double *FDMnzvalLocal, double *totalEnergyH, double *totalEnergyS, double *totalFreeEnergy, int *info)
 Retrieve the output matrices after running PPEXSIDFTDriver for real input matrices. More...
void PPEXSIRetrieveComplexDFTMatrix (PPEXSIPlan plan, double *DMnzvalLocal, double *EDMnzvalLocal, double *FDMnzvalLocal, double *totalEnergyH, double *totalEnergyS, double *totalFreeEnergy, int *info)
 Retrieve the output matrices after running PPEXSIDFTDriver for complex input matrices. More...
void PPEXSIPlanFinalize (PPEXSIPlan plan, int *info)
 Release the memory used by PEXSI. More...
void PPEXSIGetPoleDM (double *zshift, double *zweight, int Npole, double temp, double gap, double deltaE, double mu)
 Pole expansion for density matrix (DM). More...
void PPEXSIGetPoleEDM (double *zshift, double *zweight, int Npole, double temp, double gap, double deltaE, double mu)
 Pole expansion for energy density matrix (EDM). More...
void PPEXSIGetPoleFDM (double *zshift, double *zweight, int Npole, double temp, double gap, double deltaE, double mu)
 Pole expansion for free energy density matrix (FDM). More...
MPI_Comm f2c_comm (MPI_Fint *Fcomm)
 Internal subroutine to convert FORTRAN communicator to C.
void f_read_distsparsematrix_formatted_head (char *filename, int *size, int *nnz, int *nnzLocal, int *numColLocal, MPI_Fint *Fcomm)
 FORTRAN interface for ReadDistSparseMatrixFormattedHeadInterface.
void f_read_distsparsematrix_formatted (char *filename, int size, int nnz, int nnzLocal, int numColLocal, int *colptrLocal, int *rowindLocal, double *nzvalLocal, MPI_Fint *Fcomm)
 FORTRAN interface for ReadDistSparseMatrixFormattedInterface.
void f_read_distsparsematrix_head (char *filename, int *size, int *nnz, int *nnzLocal, int *numColLocal, MPI_Fint *Fcomm)
 FORTRAN interface for ReadDistSparseMatrixHeadInterface.
void f_para_read_distsparsematrix (char *filename, int size, int nnz, int nnzLocal, int numColLocal, int *colptrLocal, int *rowindLocal, double *nzvalLocal, MPI_Fint *Fcomm)
 FORTRAN interface for ParaReadDistSparseMatrixInterface.
PPEXSIPlan f_ppexsi_plan_initialize (MPI_Fint *Fcomm, int numProcRow, int numProcCol, int outputFileIndex, int *info)
 FORTRAN interface for PPEXSIPlanInitialize.

Detailed Description

Interface subroutines of PPEXSI that can be called by both C and FORTRAN.

This file will eventually merge with interface.cpp.

Original: 2013-02-03
Revision: 2014-01-01
Revision: 2014-03-07 Second generation interface.

Function Documentation

void ParaReadDistSparseMatrixInterface ( char *  filename,
int  size,
int  nnz,
int  nnzLocal,
int  numColLocal,
int *  colptrLocal,
int *  rowindLocal,
double *  nzvalLocal,
MPI_Comm  comm 

Actual reading the data of a DistSparseMatrix using MPI-IO, assuming that the arrays have been allocated outside this subroutine.

This routine can be much faster than reading a DistSparseMatrix sequentially, especially compared to the version using formatted input ReadDistSparseMatrixFormattedInterface.

[in]filename(global) Filename for the input matrix.
[in]size(global) Number of rows and columns of the matrix.
[in]nnz(global) Total number of nonzeros.
[in]nnzLocal(local) Number of local nonzeros.
[in]numColLocal(local) Number of local columns.
[out]colptrLocal(local) Dimension: numColLocal+1. Local column pointer in CSC format.
[out]rowindLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Local row index pointer in CSC format.
[out]nzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Local nonzero values in CSC format.
[in]comm(global) MPI communicator.
void PPEXSICalculateFermiOperatorComplex ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
PPEXSIOptions  options,
double  mu,
double  numElectronExact,
double *  numElectronPEXSI,
double *  numElectronDrvMuPEXSI,
int *  info 

Compute the density matrices and number of electrons for a given chemical potential. Here H and S are complex Hermitian matrices (even though S is real in electronic structure calculation)

This can be used as an "expert" interface for solving KSDFT with user-implemented heuristics strategies.


The input parameter options are controlled through the structure PPEXSIOptions. The default value can be obtained through PPEXSISetDefaultOptions.

The input H and S matrices should be given by loading functions (currently it is PPEXSILoadRealSymmetricHSMatrix). The output matrices should be obtained from retrieving functions (currently it is PPEXSIRetrieveRealSymmetricDFTMatrix).

[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]numElectronExact(global) Exact number of electrons, i.e. \(N_e(\mu_{\mathrm{exact}})\).
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[out]DMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Nonzero value of density matrix in CSC format.
[out]EDMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Nonzero value of energy density matrix in CSC format.
[out]FDMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Nonzero value of free energy density matrix in CSC format.
[out]muPEXSI(global) Chemical potential after the last iteration.
  • In the case that convergence is reached within maxPEXSIIter steps, the value of muPEXSI is the last mu used to achieve accuracy within numElectronPEXSITolerance.
  • In the case that convergence is not reached within maxPEXSIIter steps, and the update from Newton's iteration does not exceed muPEXSISafeGuard, the value of muPEXSI is the last mu plus the update from Newton's iteration.
[out]numElectronPEXSI(global) Number of electrons evaluated at the last step. Note In the case that convergence is not reached within maxPEXSIIter steps, and numElectron does not correspond to the number of electrons evaluated at muPEXSI.
[out]muMinInertia(global) Lower bound for mu after the last inertia count procedure.
[out]muMaxInertia(global) Upper bound for mu after the last inertia count procedure.
[out]numTotalInertiaIter(global) Number of total inertia counting procedure.
[out]numTotalPEXSIIter(global) Number of total PEXSI evaluation procedure.
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSICalculateFermiOperatorReal ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
PPEXSIOptions  options,
double  mu,
double  numElectronExact,
double *  numElectronPEXSI,
double *  numElectronDrvMuPEXSI,
int *  info 

Directly compute the negative inertia at a set of shifts.

This can be used as an "expert" interface for solving KSDFT with user-implemented heuristics strategies.

Only input from the processors associated with the first pole is required. The information will be broadcast to the other processors in the communicator.
[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[in]numShift(global) Number of shifts.
[in]shiftList(global) The list of shifts. Size: numShift
[out]inertiaList(global) The list of inertia counts (in double precision but are of integer values). Size: numShift
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful. Compute the density matrices and number of electrons for a given chemical potential.

This can be used as an "expert" interface for solving KSDFT with user-implemented heuristics strategies.


The input parameter options are controlled through the structure PPEXSIOptions. The default value can be obtained through PPEXSISetDefaultOptions.

The input H and S matrices should be given by loading functions (currently it is PPEXSILoadRealSymmetricHSMatrix). The output matrices should be obtained from retrieving functions (currently it is PPEXSIRetrieveRealSymmetricDFTMatrix).

[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]numElectronExact(global) Exact number of electrons, i.e. \(N_e(\mu_{\mathrm{exact}})\).
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[out]DMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Nonzero value of density matrix in CSC format.
[out]EDMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Nonzero value of energy density matrix in CSC format.
[out]FDMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Nonzero value of free energy density matrix in CSC format.
[out]muPEXSI(global) Chemical potential after the last iteration.
  • In the case that convergence is reached within maxPEXSIIter steps, the value of muPEXSI is the last mu used to achieve accuracy within numElectronPEXSITolerance.
  • In the case that convergence is not reached within maxPEXSIIter steps, and the update from Newton's iteration does not exceed muPEXSISafeGuard, the value of muPEXSI is the last mu plus the update from Newton's iteration.
[out]numElectronPEXSI(global) Number of electrons evaluated at the last step. Note In the case that convergence is not reached within maxPEXSIIter steps, and numElectron does not correspond to the number of electrons evaluated at muPEXSI.
[out]muMinInertia(global) Lower bound for mu after the last inertia count procedure.
[out]muMaxInertia(global) Upper bound for mu after the last inertia count procedure.
[out]numTotalInertiaIter(global) Number of total inertia counting procedure.
[out]numTotalPEXSIIter(global) Number of total PEXSI evaluation procedure.
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSIDFTDriver ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
PPEXSIOptions  options,
double  numElectronExact,
double *  muPEXSI,
double *  numElectronPEXSI,
double *  muMinInertia,
double *  muMaxInertia,
int *  numTotalInertiaIter,
int *  numTotalPEXSIIter,
int *  info 

Simplified driver for solving Kohn-Sham DFT.

This function contains both the inertia counting step for estimating the chemical potential, and the Newton's iteration for updating the chemical potential. Heuristics are built into this routine. Expert users and developers can modify this routine to obtain better heuristics. The implementation of this function contains all the heuristics for a DFT solver.

The input parameter options are controlled through the structure PPEXSIOptions. The default value can be obtained through PPEXSISetDefaultOptions.

Basic strategy of the heuristics

  • If isInertiaCount == 1, then the inertia counting procedure is invoked until the chemical potential interval is refined from size (muMax0-muMin0) to muInertiaTolerance, or the estimated band gap is larger than muInertiaTolerance.
  • If the change of step in Newton's iteration is larger than muPEXSISafeGuard, the the inertia counting procedure is invoked again, starting from (muMin0, muMax0). If Newton's iteration fails again, the subroutine returns error message with info = 1.
  • The number of shifts in the inertia count is always automatically chosen to be (mpisize / npPerPole). This minimizes the wall clock time of the inertia counting procedure.

Complex Hermitian case

This file should work for both real symmetric and complex Hermitian H and S matrices. However, the complex Hermitian case require asymmetric PSelInv which will be in the future work.


The input H and S matrices should be given by loading functions (currently it is PPEXSILoadRealSymmetricHSMatrix). The output matrices should be obtained from retrieving functions (currently it is PPEXSIRetrieveRealSymmetricDFTMatrix).

[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[in]numElectronExact(global) Exact number of electrons, i.e. \(N_e(\mu_{\mathrm{exact}})\).
[out]DMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Nonzero value of density matrix in CSC format.
[out]EDMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Nonzero value of energy density matrix in CSC format.
[out]FDMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Nonzero value of free energy density matrix in CSC format.
[out]muPEXSI(global) Chemical potential after the last iteration.
  • In the case that convergence is reached within maxPEXSIIter steps, the value of muPEXSI is the last mu used to achieve accuracy within numElectronPEXSITolerance.
  • In the case that convergence is not reached within maxPEXSIIter steps, and the update from Newton's iteration does not exceed muPEXSISafeGuard, the value of muPEXSI is the last mu plus the update from Newton's iteration.
[out]numElectronPEXSI(global) Number of electrons evaluated at the last step. Note In the case that convergence is not reached within maxPEXSIIter steps, and numElectron does not correspond to the number of electrons evaluated at muPEXSI.
[out]muMinInertia(global) Lower bound for mu after the last inertia count procedure.
[out]muMaxInertia(global) Upper bound for mu after the last inertia count procedure.
[out]numTotalInertiaIter(global) Number of total inertia counting procedure.
[out]numTotalPEXSIIter(global) Number of total PEXSI evaluation procedure.
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSIDFTDriver2 ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
PPEXSIOptions  options,
double  numElectronExact,
double *  muPEXSI,
double *  numElectronPEXSI,
double *  muMinInertia,
double *  muMaxInertia,
int *  numTotalInertiaIter,
int *  info 

Simplified driver for solving Kohn-Sham DFT. Version 2. This is still in test phase.

This function contains both the inertia counting step for estimating the chemical potential, and strategy for updating the chemical potential WITHOUT Newton's iteration. Heuristics are built into this routine. Expert users and developers can modify this routine to obtain better heuristics. The implementation of this function contains all the heuristics for a DFT solver.

The input parameter options are controlled through the structure PPEXSIOptions. The default value can be obtained through PPEXSISetDefaultOptions.

Basic strategy of the heuristics

  • If isInertiaCount == 1, then the inertia counting procedure is invoked until the chemical potential interval is refined from size (muMax0-muMin0) to muInertiaTolerance, or the estimated band gap is larger than muInertiaTolerance.
  • The number of shifts in the inertia count is always automatically chosen to be (mpisize / npPerPole). This minimizes the wall clock time of the inertia counting procedure.


The input H and S matrices should be given by loading functions (currently it is PPEXSILoadRealSymmetricHSMatrix). The output matrices should be obtained from retrieving functions (currently it is PPEXSIRetrieveRealSymmetricDFTMatrix).

[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[in]numElectronExact(global) Exact number of electrons, i.e. \(N_e(\mu_{\mathrm{exact}})\).
[out]DMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Nonzero value of density matrix in CSC format.
[out]EDMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Nonzero value of energy density matrix in CSC format.
[out]FDMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Nonzero value of free energy density matrix in CSC format.
[out]muPEXSI(global) Chemical potential after the last iteration.
  • In the case that convergence is reached within maxPEXSIIter steps, the value of muPEXSI is the last mu used to achieve accuracy within numElectronPEXSITolerance.
  • In the case that convergence is not reached within maxPEXSIIter steps, and the update from Newton's iteration does not exceed muPEXSISafeGuard, the value of muPEXSI is the last mu plus the update from Newton's iteration.
[out]numElectronPEXSI(global) Number of electrons evaluated at the last step. Note In the case that convergence is not reached within maxPEXSIIter steps, and numElectron does not correspond to the number of electrons evaluated at muPEXSI.
[out]muMinInertia(global) Lower bound for mu after the last inertia count procedure.
[out]muMaxInertia(global) Upper bound for mu after the last inertia count procedure.
[out]numTotalInertiaIter(global) Number of total inertia counting procedure.
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSIGetPoleDM ( double *  zshift,
double *  zweight,
int  Npole,
double  temp,
double  gap,
double  deltaE,
double  mu 

Pole expansion for density matrix (DM).

[out]zshift(global) Quadrature point (shift).
[out]zweight(global) Quadrature weight.
[in]Npole(global) Number of poles.
[in]temp(global) Temperature (unit: au).
[in]gap(global) Energy gap (unit: au).
[in]deltaE(global) Spectral radius (unit: au).
[in]mu(global) Chemical potential (unit: au).
void PPEXSIGetPoleEDM ( double *  zshift,
double *  zweight,
int  Npole,
double  temp,
double  gap,
double  deltaE,
double  mu 

Pole expansion for energy density matrix (EDM).

[out]zshift(global) Quadrature point (shift).
[out]zweight(global) Quadrature weight.
[in]Npole(global) Number of poles.
[in]temp(global) Temperature (unit: au).
[in]gap(global) Energy gap (unit: au).
[in]deltaE(global) Spectral radius (unit: au).
[in]mu(global) Chemical potential (unit: au).
void PPEXSIGetPoleFDM ( double *  zshift,
double *  zweight,
int  Npole,
double  temp,
double  gap,
double  deltaE,
double  mu 

Pole expansion for free energy density matrix (FDM).

[out]zshift(global) Quadrature point (shift).
[out]zweight(global) Quadrature weight.
[in]Npole(global) Number of poles.
[in]temp(global) Temperature (unit: au).
[in]gap(global) Energy gap (unit: au).
[in]deltaE(global) Spectral radius (unit: au).
[in]mu(global) Chemical potential (unit: au).
void PPEXSIInertiaCountComplexMatrix ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
PPEXSIOptions  options,
int  numShift,
double *  shiftList,
double *  inertiaList,
int *  info 

Directly compute the negative inertia at a set of shifts for complex matrices.

This can be used as an "expert" interface for solving KSDFT with user-implemented heuristics strategies.

Only input from the processors associated with the first pole is required. The information will be broadcast to the other processors in the communicator.
[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[in]numShift(global) Number of shifts.
[in]shiftList(global) The list of shifts. Size: numShift
[out]inertiaList(global) The list of inertia counts (in double precision but are of integer values). Size: numShift
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSIInertiaCountRealMatrix ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
PPEXSIOptions  options,
int  numShift,
double *  shiftList,
double *  inertiaList,
int *  info 

Directly compute the negative inertia at a set of shifts for real matrices.

This can be used as an "expert" interface for solving KSDFT with user-implemented heuristics strategies.

Only input from the processors associated with the first pole is required. The information will be broadcast to the other processors in the communicator.
[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[in]numShift(global) Number of shifts.
[in]shiftList(global) The list of shifts. Size: numShift
[out]inertiaList(global) The list of inertia counts (in double precision but are of integer values). Size: numShift
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSILoadComplexHSMatrix ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
PPEXSIOptions  options,
int  nrows,
int  nnz,
int  nnzLocal,
int  numColLocal,
int *  colptrLocal,
int *  rowindLocal,
double *  HnzvalLocal,
int  isSIdentity,
double *  SnzvalLocal,
int *  info 

Load the complex H and S matrices into the PEXSI internal data structure. H and S can be either complex symmetric or complex unsymmetric.

Only input from the processors associated with the first pole is required. The information will be broadcast to the other processors in the communicator.
[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[in]nrows(global) Number of rows and columns of the matrix.
[in]nnz(global) Total number of nonzeros of H.
[in]nnzLocal(local) Number of local nonzeros of H.
[in]numColLocal(local) Number of local columns for H.
[in]colptrLocal(local) Dimension: numColLocal+1. Local column pointer in CSC format.
[in]rowindLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Local row index pointer in CSC format.
[in]HnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: 2*nnzLocal. Local nonzero values of H in CSC format.
[in]isSIdentity(global) Whether S is an identity matrix. If so, the variable SnzvalLocal is omitted.
[in]SnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: 2*nnzLocal. Local nonzero value of S in CSC format.
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSILoadRealHSMatrix ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
PPEXSIOptions  options,
int  nrows,
int  nnz,
int  nnzLocal,
int  numColLocal,
int *  colptrLocal,
int *  rowindLocal,
double *  HnzvalLocal,
int  isSIdentity,
double *  SnzvalLocal,
int *  info 

Load the real H and S matrices into the PEXSI internal data structure. H and S can be either real symmetric or real unsymmetric.

Only input from the processors associated with the first pole is required. The information will be broadcast to the other processors in the communicator.
[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[in]nrows(global) Number of rows and columns of the matrix.
[in]nnz(global) Total number of nonzeros of H.
[in]nnzLocal(local) Number of local nonzeros of H.
[in]numColLocal(local) Number of local columns for H.
[in]colptrLocal(local) Dimension: numColLocal+1. Local column pointer in CSC format.
[in]rowindLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Local row index pointer in CSC format.
[in]HnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Local nonzero values of H in CSC format.
[in]isSIdentity(global) Whether S is an identity matrix. If so, the variable SnzvalLocal is omitted.
[in]SnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Local nonzero value of S in CSC format.
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSIPlanFinalize ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
int *  info 

Release the memory used by PEXSI.

[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
PPEXSIPlan PPEXSIPlanInitialize ( MPI_Comm  comm,
int  numProcRow,
int  numProcCol,
int  outputFileIndex,
int *  info 

Initialize the PEXSI plan.

In PEXSI, a matrix is generally referred to as a "pole". The factorization and selected inversion procedure for a pole is computed in parallel using numProcRow * numProcCol processors.

When only selected inversion (PSelInv) is used, it is recommended to set the mpisize of the communicator comm to be numProcRow * numProcCol.

When PEXSI is used to evaluate a large number of inverse matrices such as in the electronic structure calculation, mpisize should be numPole*numProcRow * numProcCol, where numPole inverse matrices can be processed in parallel.

[in]comm(global) Communicator used for the entire PEXSI procedure. The size of this communicator should be a multiple of npPerPole = numProcRow * numProcCol, which is the total number of processors used by each individual pole.
[in]numProcRow(global) Number of processors in the row communication group for each pole.
[in]numProcCol(global) Number of processors in the column communication group for each pole.
[in]outputFileIndex(local) The index for the PEXSI output file. For instance, if this index is 1, then the corresponding processor will output to the file logPEXSI1. If the index is negative, then no output file is given. Note Each processor must output to a different file. By default, outputFileIndex can be set as mpirank.
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
void PPEXSIRetrieveComplexDFTMatrix ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
double *  DMnzvalLocal,
double *  EDMnzvalLocal,
double *  FDMnzvalLocal,
double *  totalEnergyH,
double *  totalEnergyS,
double *  totalFreeEnergy,
int *  info 

Retrieve the output matrices after running PPEXSIDFTDriver for complex input matrices.

[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[out]DMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: 2*nnzLocal. Nonzero value of density matrix in CSC format.
[out]EDMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: 2*nnzLocal. Nonzero value of energy density matrix in CSC format.
[out]FDMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: 2*nnzLocal. Nonzero value of free energy density matrix in CSC format.
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSIRetrieveRealDFTMatrix ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
double *  DMnzvalLocal,
double *  EDMnzvalLocal,
double *  FDMnzvalLocal,
double *  totalEnergyH,
double *  totalEnergyS,
double *  totalFreeEnergy,
int *  info 

Retrieve the output matrices after running PPEXSIDFTDriver for real input matrices.

[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[out]DMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Nonzero value of density matrix in CSC format.
[out]EDMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Nonzero value of energy density matrix in CSC format.
[out]FDMnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Nonzero value of free energy density matrix in CSC format.
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSISelInvComplexSymmetricMatrix ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
PPEXSIOptions  options,
double *  AnzvalLocal,
double *  AinvnzvalLocal,
int *  info 

Simplified driver interface for computing the selected elements of a complex symmetric matrix.

The computation is only performed using the group of processors corresponding to the first pole.
[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[in]AnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Local nonzero values of A in CSC format.
  • Use 2 double for one complex number. This ensures the compatibility with FORTRAN.
  • Real part: AnzvalLocal[2*k]. Imag part: AnzvalLocal[2*k+1].
[out]AinvnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: 2*nnzLocal.
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSISelInvComplexUnsymmetricMatrix ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
PPEXSIOptions  options,
double *  AnzvalLocal,
double *  AinvnzvalLocal,
int *  info 

Simplified driver interface for computing the selected elements of a complex unsymmetric matrix.

The computation is only performed using the group of processors corresponding to the first pole.
[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[in]AnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Local nonzero values of A in CSC format.
  • Use 2 double for one complex number. This ensures the compatibility with FORTRAN.
  • Real part: AnzvalLocal[2*k]. Imag part: AnzvalLocal[2*k+1].
[out]AinvnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: 2*nnzLocal.
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSISelInvRealSymmetricMatrix ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
PPEXSIOptions  options,
double *  AnzvalLocal,
double *  AinvnzvalLocal,
int *  info 

Simplified driver interface for computing the selected elements of a real symmetric matrix.

The computation is only performed using the group of processors corresponding to the first pole.
[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[in]AnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Local nonzero values of A in CSC format.
[out]AinvnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal.
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSISelInvRealUnsymmetricMatrix ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
PPEXSIOptions  options,
double *  AnzvalLocal,
double *  AinvnzvalLocal,
int *  info 

Simplified driver interface for computing the selected elements of a real unsymmetric matrix.

The computation is only performed using the group of processors corresponding to the first pole.
[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[in]AnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Local nonzero values of A in CSC format.
[out]AinvnzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal.
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSISetDefaultOptions ( PPEXSIOptions options)

Set the default options for DFT driver.

All default values assume the input unit (for H) is Rydberg.

[in]options(global) Pointer to the options containing input parameters for the driver.
void PPEXSISymbolicFactorizeComplexSymmetricMatrix ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
PPEXSIOptions  options,
int *  info 

Separately perform symbolic factorization to prepare factorization and selected inversion for complex arithmetic matrices.

[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSISymbolicFactorizeComplexUnsymmetricMatrix ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
PPEXSIOptions  options,
double *  AnzvalLocal,
int *  info 

Separately perform symbolic factorization to prepare factorization and selected inversion for complex arithmetic matrices.

[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[in]AnzvalLocalnon zero values required to compute row permutation
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSISymbolicFactorizeRealSymmetricMatrix ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
PPEXSIOptions  options,
int *  info 

Separately perform symbolic factorization to prepare factorization and selected inversion for real arithmetic matrices.

[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void PPEXSISymbolicFactorizeRealUnsymmetricMatrix ( PPEXSIPlan  plan,
PPEXSIOptions  options,
double *  AnzvalLocal,
int *  info 

Separately perform symbolic factorization to prepare factorization and selected inversion for real arithmetic matrices.

[in]plan(local) The plan holding the internal data structure for the PEXSI data structure.
[in]options(global) Other input parameters for the DFT driver.
[in]AnzvalLocalnon zero values required to compute row permutation
[out]info(local) whether the current processor returns the correct information.
  • = 0: successful exit.
  • > 0: unsuccessful.
void ReadDistSparseMatrixFormattedHeadInterface ( char *  filename,
int *  size,
int *  nnz,
int *  nnzLocal,
int *  numColLocal,
MPI_Comm  comm 

Read the sizes of a DistSparseMatrix in formatted form (txt) for allocating memory in C.

[in]filename(global) Filename for the input matrix.
[out]size(global) Number of rows and columns of the matrix.
[out]nnz(global) Total number of nonzeros.
[out]nnzLocal(local) Number of local nonzeros.
[out]numColLocal(local) Number of local columns.
[in]comm(global) MPI communicator.
void ReadDistSparseMatrixFormattedInterface ( char *  filename,
int  size,
int  nnz,
int  nnzLocal,
int  numColLocal,
int *  colptrLocal,
int *  rowindLocal,
double *  nzvalLocal,
MPI_Comm  comm 

Reading the data of a formatted DistSparseMatrix.

This routine assumes that the arrays have been allocated outside this subroutine.

[in]filename(global) Filename for the input matrix.
[in]size(global) Number of rows and columns of the matrix.
[in]nnz(global) Total number of nonzeros.
[in]nnzLocal(local) Number of local nonzeros.
[in]numColLocal(local) Number of local columns.
[out]colptrLocal(local) Dimension: numColLocal+1. Local column pointer in CSC format.
[out]rowindLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Local row index pointer in CSC format.
[out]nzvalLocal(local) Dimension: nnzLocal. Local nonzero values in CSC format.
[in]comm(global) MPI communicator.
void ReadDistSparseMatrixHeadInterface ( char *  filename,
int *  size,
int *  nnz,
int *  nnzLocal,
int *  numColLocal,
MPI_Comm  comm 

Read the sizes of a DistSparseMatrix in unformatted form (csc) for allocating memory in C.

[in]filename(global) Filename for the input matrix.
[out]size(global) Number of rows and columns of the matrix.
[out]nnz(global) Total number of nonzeros.
[out]nnzLocal(local) Number of local nonzeros.
[out]numColLocal(local) Number of local columns.
[in]comm(global) MPI communicator.