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Math 185: Complex Analysis
Lecture 4, Spring2014

Basic Information

Instructor: Kenji Kozai
E-mail: (lastname) at
Office: Evans 749
Office Hours: Monday 4-5, Wednesday 10-11, Friday 12-1, and by appointment
Course Webpage: /~kozai/m185s14/
Prerequisites: Math 104

Required Textbook

  • Theodore W. Gamelin, Complex Analysis (download only available from Berkeley network)

Please note the errata available online.

Other Textbooks (reference)

  • Ahlfors, Complex Analysis


There will be weekly homework assignments due on Friday. They will be posted on the course website and on bSpace at least one week prior to their due date. They are to be turned in at the beginning of class on Friday, or in my office by 2pm (note the earlier time if turning in to my office), either in person or by sliding it under my door. Late homework will not be accepted under any circumstance. However, your two lowest homework grades will not be included in the final grade calculation.

Discussing the problems with other students is encouraged, but each student must write solutions on his/her own. Please acknowledge who you collaborated with by writing their names on the top of your homework before turning it in. Copying solutions, either from other students or from solutions obtained from the internet or any other source, will be considered cheating. A good general guideline is that talking about the problem or explaining the ideas is acceptable, but reading another student's solution (or having it read to you) is not.


There will be two midterm exams on Friday, February 21 and Monday, April 7. Both will be in class. The final exam is Wednesday, May 14 at 7-10pm.

In the case of a fire alarm during either of the midterms or the final exam, leave your exams in the room, face down, before evacuating. Under no circumstances should you take the exam with you.


The final grade will be computed as follows:

  • Homework (20%)
  • Midterm 1 (20%)
  • Midterm 2 (20%)
  • Final Exam (40%)
If the final exam score is higher than either midterm score, the lowest midterm score will be replaced by the mean of the score and the final exam score. This effectively means your lowest midterm score can count for 10% of your grade and the final exam for 50% of your grade.

Special Accommodations

If you have a documented disability and require special accommodations of any kind, please e-mail me as soon as possible, and no later than Wednesday, February 5.

Last modified 21 May 2024.