Math 53: Section 1: Multivariable Calculus
UC Berkeley, Spring 2014
Course policies: please read carefully!
Schedule of lectures, homework assignments,
and exams
- (5/19) Grades are posted. Please note two things: First, I do not
have the final exams; final exams can be
viewed in the math department front office (970 Evans) starting in a
few weeks. However I (or your GSI) can tell you your final exam score and the details of your grade computation
on request. Second, I curved the section grades, sometimes
significantly, in order to make them fair between GSI's. Have a great summer!
- (4/29) I have now posted videos through the end of the course (not including the Q&A that will happen on Thursday, and not including a few videos from the beginning which will be posted later).
- (4/22) I posted yet more videos, and will continue to do so.
- (4/15) I posted some more videos on the video page corresponding to the last three lectures.
- (4/9) Here is the score distribution and curve for the second midterm.
- (4/1) I am posting some videos of the lectures here. These might be helpful for studying or if you missed anything in lecture. If you have any comments on the videos, please feel free to let me know so that I can improve them.
- (3/17) Here is the score distribution and curve for the first midterm. I apologize for the delay in posting this. Note that the second midterm and the final should be somewhat harder, resulting in a less steep curve.
- (3/10) On 3/11, my office hours will be from 1-3 instead of the usual 2-5.
- (3/4) Here is a solution to question 7 on the midterm, which seemed to be the greatest source of trouble.
- (2/27) There is an archive of past exams on the math department web page. (I tried to post a link but it didn't work. To get to the archive, start at, click on "Courses", then go to "Archives" in the pull-down menu, then move to the right and click on "Exams", and select "Math 53" in the page that appears.) The
exams in this course may be different, but at least the archive can
give you some idea of what Math 53 exams can look like.
- (2/25) BioEHS will be holding a rescheduled review session for the midterm in Room D2 of the Main Stacks on Friday 2/28 from 8-10pm. If you cannot make that time, please email
- (2/16) On 2/18, my office hours will take place from 1-3:30 instead of the usual time.
- (1/30) Academic support services for this class at the Student Learning Center will begin next week. See
- (1/29) Starting on 1/30, this class is moving to 155 Dwinelle.
- (1/22) The bioengineering honor society is sponsoring Math 53 tutoring sessions on Thursdays from 8:15-9:30 PM in 87 Dwinelle.
- (1/19) For questions about enrollment, please contact Thomas Brown.
Instructor: Michael Hutchings. Tentative office hours:
Tuesdays 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM, in room 923 Evans. Office hours may
occasionally be rescheduled, so you might want to check the
announcements above before going. If you have questions outside of
office hours, you can send me email at
[my last name with the last letter deleted]
Lectures: TuTh, 8:10-9:30, 2050 Valley LSB.
Discussion sections and office hours:
In discussion section, among other things, you will work in groups on problems from these worksheets.
For the current
schedule of discussion sections see
The GSI's are:
- Catherine Cannizzo. Office hours Tuesday 11:15-12:15, Friday 3:30-4:30 in 832 Evans.
- Kun Chen. Office hours Monday and Friday, 10-11, in 1070 Evans.
- Grace Liu. Office hours Monday 2:30-4:00, Friday 10:00-11:30 in 1066 Evans.
- James McIvor. Office hours Monday 2:30-4:30, Friday 2:00-3:00 in 1045 Evans.
- Chase Skipper. Office hours Monday 1:30-2:30, Wednesday 10-11, Friday 10-11 in 854 Evans.
- Siddharth Venkatesh. Office hours Tuesday, Thursday, 12-1 in 733 Evans.
- Morgan Weiler. Office hours: Monday 10:10-11:00, Thursday 11:10-12:30 in 852 Evans.
- Qiaochu Yuan. Office hours Monday 4-6 in 832 Evans.
Any student is welcome to attend the office hours of any GSI.
Textbook: James Stewart, Multivariable calculus early
transcendentals for UC Berkeley, seventh edition. This is a
custom edition, which I believe is an extract from "Calculus
early transcendentals", seventh edition. Thus you can also use the latter book. Please note that there are many other versions of Stewart's calculus book, such as "Essential calculus", "Hybrid version", etc., and these will not work.