Math 53: Section 1: Multivariable Calculus
UC Berkeley, Fall 2008
Course policies: please read carefully!
Schedule of lectures, homework assignments,
and exams
- (12/8) We will take the final exam in three rooms, divided by GSI
as follows:
- Morgan Brown, Scott Cramer, Dan Gardiner: Hearst Gym 230.
- Anton Geraschenko, Cameron Hill, Gregory Igusa: Hearst Gym 237.
- Rene Quilodran, Arun Sharma: Hearst Gym 234.
DSP students will take the exam in 966 Evans.
- (12/5) Three past final exams are here,
here, and here.
- (11/17) Here is the score distribution and
curve for the second midterm.
- (11/12) DSP students will take the midterm in 961 Evans. Lecture
003 will take the exam in 141 Giannini. Everyone else will take the
midterm in the usual lecture room, 2050 VLSB.
- (11/10) Here are past midterms from 2003 and 2007. Sorry, no answer keys. Our
midterm will cover everything up to the fundamental theorem of line
integrals, with emphasis on the material starting with minima and
- (10/13) The midterms have been graded and you will receive them
back on Tuesday in your discussion sections. Here is the score distribution and curve. The midterm turned
out to be harder than I expected, and I have curved it to take the difficulty
into account.
- (10/5) For the week of the midterm, my office hours will be on
Monday 10/6 from 1-4, instead of on Wednesday.
- (10/2) Some past midterms are here, here, and here. Ours might be a bit harder. Sorry, I
do not have answer keys for the past midterms.
- (10/1) The first midterm is next Wednesday, 10/8, at the usual class
time. Students in Lecture 001 will take the exam in the usual lecture
room, 2050 VLSB. Students in Lecture 003 will take the exam in 160
Dwinelle. DSP students will take the exam in 961 Evans, starting at
11:10, and receiving as much extra time as required by the DSP. No
books, notes, or electronic aids are allowed in the exam. Paper will
be provided. You only need to bring a pen or pencil and your brain.
- (9/30) The DSP needs a note-taker for this course. The
note-taker will receive $160 for copies of lecture notes. If you are
interested in this position, please write to
- (9/25) Just to repeat: there is no difference between lecture 001
and lecture 003 (except that they have different discussion sections).
In particular, ALL EXAM TIMES ARE THE SAME. And exams cannot be taken
at alternate times, please see the course policies. Sorry for the
- (9/20) I will not be able to make it to my office hours on 9/24.
If you have questions, please send me an email and I will answer it as
soon as I can. I apologize for the inconvenience.
- (9/16) I am very sorry to have to inform you that the
discussion sections for this class are full, and students who are
still on the waitlist should probably find another option.
Waitlisted students will still be moved in to the class as other
students drop, but very few are dropping anymore.
- (9/16) If you can't make it to your GSI's office hours, please
note that some GSI's office hours are open to students from other
sections. Their office hours, or links to webpages with their
office hours, are listed below.
- (9/3) The webcast is starting today. It is not simultaneous, and
I don't know how long the delay is, but you can view the webcasted
lectures at
- (8/28) I just learned that if you are in lecture 001 then you
have to be in a section for 001, and if you are in lecture 003 then
you have to be in a section for 003.
- (8/28) Good news for those of you on the waitlist: To create
extra space, the class will be webcast. There is a new lecture 003,
and two new discussion sections will be opened, at 8:00 and 2:00. If
you are on the waitlist you can drop lecture 001 and sign up for
lecture 003 and one of the new sections. There is essentially no
difference between lecture 001 and 003. In theory lecture 001 takes
place in the classroom while lecture 003 takes place in cyberspace.
However I encourage everyone to attend the physical lecture because
usually not everyone shows up, so there should be enough space in the
room. But if there isn't space, you can watch the webcast. And we
will get an extra room on the dates of the midterms. I'm not sure
when the webcasting will start, but I will post details here later
when I have them.
Instructor: Michael Hutchings. Tentative office hours:
Wednesdays 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, in room 923 Evans. Office hours may
occasionally be rescheduled, so you might want to check the
announcements above before going. If you have questions outside of
office hours, the best way to reach me is to send me an email at
[my last name with the last letter deleted]
I generally read email once per day.
Lectures: MWF, 11:10-12:00, 2050 Valley LSB. Also in
cyberspace, details coming soon.
Discussion sections:
For the current
schedule of discussion sections see
The GSI's are:
Textbook: James Stewart, Multivariable essential
calculus. This is a custom edition, which I believe is an
extract from "Essential calculus early transcendentals", first
edition. It is definitely not the same as the book which was
used for Math 53 a couple of years ago (which was "Calculus: early
transcendentals", fifth edition). The differences consist of minor
reorganization of the chapters, and deletion and addition of some
homework problems. The old book is probably fine for studying, but
you will need the new book to do the homework.
In addition, you will need a book of "worksheets" which can be
purchased at Copy Central. The worksheets contain practice problems
which you will work on in groups in the discussion sections.
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