Math 53: Section 2: Multivariable Calculus
UC Berkeley, Spring 2007
- (5/21) Just finished the grades. You should be able to
download your course grades within 24 hours. The median on the final
was 48/100; the exam turned out to be harder than expected, and was
curved accordingly. Have a great summer!
- (5/15) Instead of office hours this week, I will be
available to answer last-minute questions on Thursday 5/17 from 7:00
PM to 9:00 PM in room 31 Evans.
- (5/11) Darsh Ranjan will hold a review section on Saturday
5/12 from 2:00 to 4:00 in 141 McCone Hall. All are welcome.
- (5/9) I will have office hours on Wednesday 5/9 from 1:00 -
4:00, and on Thursday 5/17 at some time TBA (late in the day). The
final is on Friday 5/18 at 12:30 in 220 Hearst Gym.
- (5/6) Here is a practice final.
This is the actual exam that I gave the last time I taught this class.
The library has an
archive of past exams from other professors but I'm not sure where.
- (4/12) Here is the score distribution and
curve for the second midterm. The class did quite well; good
job! Beware that the last third of the course might be more difficult.
- (4/6) Additional review sessions: Cinna Wu, Saturday
10:00-12:00, 102 Moffitt; Trevor Potter, Monday, 6:30-8:30, 3 Evans.
- (4/5) My office hours on Wednesday 4/11 are rescheduled to Monday
4/9 from 2:00-5:00. Don't forget that the second midterm is on
Tuesday 4/10 in class. Regular office hours will resume on Wednesday 4/18.
- (4/5) Darsh Ranjan will hold a review session on Monday April 9
in 20 Barrows from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM. All are welcome to attend.
- (4/4) A calculus book by Alan Weinstein (our current department
chair) and Jerrold Marsden is now available online here,
free to Berkeley students from campus computers or via the library
proxy server. Volume 3 covers most of the material from this course.
If you would like to see alternate explanations of the material from a
slightly more sophisticated point of view than that of Stewart, then
you might find this helpful.
- (4/4) Here is a previous second
midterm from the last time I taught this course. This
isn't a very good practice midterm, because last time I gave the second
midterm later in the course. In particular, problems 5 and 6 are
about material from chapter 16, which will not be covered on our midterm.
Our midterm will probably be a bit harder than questions 1-4 on this old
- (3/6) My office hours on Wednesday 3/7 will be from 11:30 to
2:30, instead of the usual 1:00-4:00.
- (3/1) Here is the score distribution and
curve for the first midterm.
- (2/22) Cinna Wu will hold a review session on Friday 2/23 from
5:00 to 7:00 in room 70 Evans. Students from all sections are welcome.
- (2/20) Trevor Potter will be holding a review session for the
first midterm on Wednesday 2/21 from 7-9 in 5 Evans. Students from
all sections are welcome to attend.
- (2/20) Here is a practice
midterm. Our actual midterm might be a bit more difficult, but
this should at least give you some idea of what a math 53 midterm
can look like.
- (2/20) My office hours on Wednesday 2/28 are rescheduled to
Monday 2/26 from 1:00-4:00. Don't forget that the first midterm is on
Tuesday 2/27, in class. Regular office hours will resume on Wednesday 3/7.
Also from the DSP: Please avoid using airbears during lecture,
because it interferes with the remote captioning system. Thanks!
(1/28) There is a DSP student in this class who needs a note-taker.
If you would like to earn $160 for making copies of your notes for
this student, please write to
(1/19) Here is a handout on Euler's formula.
This isn't part of the Math 53 syllabus, but since some of you were
asking about it, I thought this might answer some of your questions.
- (1/13) If you are on the waitlist or want to change sections, you
must fill out a form with the head TA, Richard Dore. Please follow the
instructions here.
Your instructor is Michael Hutchings,
[last name with the last letter deleted],
(510) 642-4329. My office hours are Wednesday 1-4 in 923 Evans. I am
always happy to discuss math in office hours, so please come by.
Lectures take place on TuTh from 3:30 to 5:00 in
F295 Haas. There are also the following discussion sections on MWF:
- 201: 8-9, 200 Wheeler, Cinna Wu.
- 202: 8-9, 7 Evans, Darsh Ranjan.
- 203: 9-10. 9 Evans, Ranjan.
- 204: 10-11, 7 Evans, Trevor Potter.
- 205: 10-11, 9 Evans, James Kelley.
- 206: 11-12, 7 Evans, Kelley.
- 207: 12-1, 385 LeConte, Matthias Goerner.
- 208: 1-2, 210 Wheeler, Potter.
- 209: 1-2, 200 Wheeler, Wu.
- 210: 2-3, 81 Evans, Wu.
- 211: 4-5, B51 Hildenbrandt, Alan Tarr.
- 212: 3-4, 5 Evans, Tarr.
The textbook for this course is Stewart, Calculus: early
transcendentals, fifth edition. Earlier editions have similar
mathematical content, but the homework problems are different.
In addition, you will need a book of "worksheets" which can be
purchased at Copy Central. The worksheets contain practice problems
which you will work on in groups in the discussion sections.
Homework is assigned for each Tuesday/Thursday lecture, see the
syllabus. Homework from a Tuesday lecture
is due in the discussion section on Friday, three days later.
Homework from a Thursday lecture is due in section on the following
Monday. You can check your answers at the back of the book (if you
get the wrong answer, try again!) but you need to turn in solutions,
not just answers. You may work in groups but you must write your own
solutions. Each assignment will be given a pass/fail grade based on
completeness. The homework may be long at times; it is intended to
give you lots of practice doing calculus, and should be good
preparation for the exams.
Some homework solutions might be posted here
after the assignments are due.
There will be a quiz each Wednesday in discussion section, except for
the first week and the weeks of the midterms. There will be no makeup
quizzes; however, your two lowest quiz scores will be dropped. One
purpose of the quizzes is to help make sure that you keep up with the
material. Later parts of this course depend heavily on the earlier
parts, so it can be hard to catch up if you fall behind.
Exams. There will be two midterms, in class on 2/27 and 4/10.
The final exam is on Friday 5/18 from 12:30-3:30.
Calculators and notes will NOT be allowed for the exams. Disabled
students requiring accomodations for exams must submit to the
instructor a "letter of accomodation" from the Disabled Students
Program two weeks in advance.
It is not possible to give makeup exams. However, because of the
grading scheme below, you can miss one midterm without penalty.
Missing the final, on the other hand, will result in automatic failure
of the course.
Please check the date now to make sure that you can attend the
final! Official university policy is that incomplete grades can be
given only if an unanticipated medical or other emergency makes it
impossible for you to complete the course, if you have documentation
to prove it, and if you are otherwise passing (with a C or above).
Grades. To get full credit for an exam question, you must
obtain the correct answer and show correct work or justification.
Partial credit will be given somewhat sparingly. However we will make
every effort to grade all exams according to the same standards. For
this reason exam grades cannot be changed, unless there is an
egregious error such as adding up the points incorrectly.
Course grades will be determined as follows, with the lowest 20% dropped:
- Section (homework, quizzes, and participation): 20%
- Midterm1: 20%
- Midterm2: 20%
Final: 40%
More precisely, the above four grades will be individually curved into
numbers (between 0 and 4.5) that represent letter grades. (For
example, an A corresponds to a number between 4 - 1/6 and 4 + 1/6.)
Section grades will be adjusted slightly to account for differences in
grading standards between GSI's. To compute the course grade,
first write down the following five numbers (each of which is between
0 and 4.5):
Section, Midterm1, Midterm2, Final, Final
Second, cross out one of these numbers, whichever is lowest. Third,
average the remaining four numbers, to obtain a number between 0 and
4.5. Finally, convert this number back into a letter grade; that is
your final course grade.
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