Zhen Huang (黄桢)

Profile Photo

I'm currently a graduate student in Department of Mathematics, UC Berkeley, supervised by Prof. Lin Lin.

As an applied mathematician, I study quantum many-body systems from a theoretical and computational perspective. More precisely, my research focuses on the development of efficient and/or robust numerical algorithms, with applications to strongly correlated systems, quantum chemistry and condensed matter physics.

Research Interests

Here are some topics that I am working (have worked) on:

  • Theory and numerical methods for many-body Green's function,
  • Fast algorithm for diagrammatic techniques,
  • Quantum impurity problems, quantum reduced dynamics, quantum embedding,
  • Open quantum systems.
  • Publications and Preprints

    See also Google Scholar.

    1. Decomposing imaginary time Feynman diagrams using separable basis functions: Anderson impurity model strong coupling expansion.
      J. Kaye, Z. Huang , H. Strand, D. Golež. Physics Review X, accepted, 2024.[journal], [arxiv]
    2. Stochastic Schrödinger equation approach to real-time dynamics of Anderson–Holstein impurities: An Open Quantum System Perspective.
      Z. Huang, L. Xu, Z. Zhou. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 20 (2), 946-962, 2024.[journal]
    3. Robust analytic continuation of Green's functions via projection, pole estimation, and semidefinite relaxation.
      Z. Huang, E. Gull, L. Lin. Physics Review B 107, 075151, 2023.[journal]
    4. Revealing excited states of rotational Bose-Einstein Condensates.
      J. Yin, Z. Huang, Y. Cai, Q. Du, L. Zhang. The Innovation 5 (1).[journal]
    5. Efficient Frozen Gaussian Sampling algorithms for nonadiabatic quantum dynamics at metal surfaces.
      Z. Huang, L. Xu, Z. Zhou. Journal of Computational Physics 474, 111771, 2023.[journal]
    6. Constrained High-Index Saddle Dynamics for the solution landscape with equality constraints.
      J. Yin, Z. Huang, L. Zhang. Journal of Scientific Computing 91 (2), 1-23, 2022.[journal]


    1. Adapol: Adaptive pole fitting for quantum many body physics. See documentation and github.

    Other works

    1. Appendix to Classical-Quantum Correspondence in Lindblad Evolution by J. Galkowski, M. Zworski.
      Z. Huang, M. Zworski. [link]. See also the movie that I made.

    Talk slides

    1. Fast imaginary-time Feynman diagrams evaluation and robust bath fitting, July 2024, [PDF].
    2. Robust analytic continuation methods for Green's functions, March 2023, [PDF].
    3. Nonadiabatic dynamics and surface hopping on metal surfaces, 2022, [PDF].

    Teaching Experiences

  • Spring 2024: Directed reading program on stochastic analysis
  • Fall 2022: Math 53 (Multivariable calculus)
  • Fall 2021: Math 1A (Calculus)
  • Contact

    hertz at math dot berkeley dot edu
    Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley
    I'm also affiliated with the Mathematics Group of the Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division at LBL. See my page on the Mathematics Group website.