Garrett Brown



I am a fourth year math PhD student at UC Berkeley working with Song Sun, who recently moved to the IASM at Zhejiang University. My interests lie in differential geometry/geometric analysis, usually in the setting of complex geometry. From Fall 2017 to Spring 2021, I was an undergraduate at Harvard College. Before that, I resided in southeast Michigan.

I am grateful for the support of an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

Office: 853 Evans Hall
Email: gm"my last name" at berkeley dot edu
Office Hours: Mondays 11am-noon in 959 Evans Hall (Math 56)


This semester I am organizing a learning seminar on the basics of the minimal model program in birational geometry.

Research Interests and Papers

Some key phrases occurring in problems I am thinking about: extremal Kähler metrics, Kähler metrics with positive scalar curvature and relation with birational geometry, non-Kähler analogs, Hermitian Yang-Mills connections, and applications of complex geometry such as to minimal surfaces.

  • The sign of scalar curvature on Kähler blowups arXiv (2024). Submitted.
  • Upcoming/Recent Activities

  • Visiting: Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics; February 16th-May 12th, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
  • Other Links

  • With Thomas Browning, I have organized the Berkeley preliminary exam workshop for incoming and continuing math PhD students each semester since Fall 2022. The website for the Fall 2024 workshop can be found here.
  • REU Projects from undergrad.
  • Check out Vilas Winstein.
  • Teaching Experience

  • Fall 2024: Head GSI for Math 56 with Professor David Nadler.
  • Spring 2024: Head GSI for Math 1B with Professor Alexander Paulin.
  • Spring 2023: GSI for Math 54 with Professor John Lott.
  • Summer 2022: Sole instructor for Math 54 lec 004.
  • Fall 2021: GSI for Math 54 with Professor David Nadler.