Fall-04. Math 53M. Multivariable Calculus
Lectures by Alexander Givental, MWF 2-3, 100 Lewis
Office: 701 Evans. Office hours: Th 4-6 p.m.
Grading: Final (40%)+Midterm I (20%)+Midterm II (20%)+Quizzes (20%)
Quizzes will be administered weekly by GSIs in the discussion sections.
Two worst quiz results will be dropped.
Solving homework problems (HW) is strongly recommended;
however homework will not be graded.
The letter "M" in the name of the class indicates that the
discussion sections will take place at the computer lab in the basement
of Evans Hall. However the use of computers during the discussion
section is not intended. In particular, you do not need the worksheet
booklets "Math 53M".
You do need however the worksheet booklets "Math 53W"
which are available through Copy Central on Bancroft.
The discussion sections will mostly consist of GSI-guided problem solving
with partial use of these booklets.
All enrollment and waitlist issues for both sections of Math 53
will be handled by head TA
Aaron Greicius
Sample problems for Midterm I prepared by Matt Harvey
Rules for Midterms: They are 50 minute exams during the Friday
lecture hour. Closed books, closed notes, no "cheat sheets",
no calculators. You don't need "blue books" but may bring scratch paper.
Pen or pencil is fine. Good luck!
Solutions to some homework problems