Gabriel Beiner

portrait Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley
Office: 935 Evans Hall
Email: [first name] dot [last name] at

I am a second year math PhD student at UC Berkeley supervised by Michael Hutchings. My undergraduate degree is from the University of Toronto. I am interested in symplectic geometry and its relations to low-dimensional topology and mathematical physics. This has included studying topics like Floer theory, gauge theory, and index theory.



Expository Notes

I am keeping a list of sources in Floer homology here.

As I prepare for my qualifying exam this year, I have been making comprehensive notes on symplectic geometry, algebraic topology, and PDEs. My completed notes on algebraic topology can be found here (please let me know about any serious typos).

I also have some notes written during my undergrad that may be of interest to others. Read at your own risk.


