Notes from Conferences

Lecture notes from the Padova summer school on "Serre conjectures and the p-adic Langlands program" (Padova, 2019).

Lecture notes from the McGill workshop on "Geometrization of the Local Langlands Program" (Montreal, 2019).

Lecture notes from the IMS Program on "The Langlands program: Endoscopy and Beyond" (Singapore, 2018).

Expository lecture notes from the Arbeitsgemeinschaft on "Higher Gross-Zagier Formulas" (Oberwolfach, 2017).

Expository lecture notes from the AIM workshop on Global Langlands (San Jose, 2016). [The notes exist but are being revised by Dennis Gaitsgory and myself.]

Research talk notes from Karl Rubin's 60th birthday conference on L-functions and arithmetic (Harvard, 2016).

Expository lecture notes from the Arbeitsgemeinschaft on "Geometric Langlands", which really also covered perfectoid spaces and the Fargues-Fontaine curve (Oberwolfach, 2016).

Research talk notes from the second and third weeks of the AMS Summer Institute in Algebraic Geometry (Salt Lake City, 2015).

Expository lecture notes from the Graduate Summer Session on Geometric Methods in Representation Theory at the Park City Mathematics Institute (Midway, 2015).

Research talk notes from Robert Coleman's memorial conference on p-adic methods in number theory (Berkeley, May 2015).

Research talk notes from Peter Sarnak's 60th birthday conference on Analysis, Spectra, and Number Theory (Princeton, December 2014). [Warning: some are extremely incomplete!]