Calmail alpine

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Setting up Calmail IMAP server with pine/alpine

For machines in the Math Department, edit the inbox-path option in the .pinerc file in your home directory (username should be substituted with your actual user name on the Math systems):


Setting up outgoing SMTP server

For office and home machines, you'll also need the following change:

Note: You will be prompted for your (new) CalMail password when start pine/alpine. On office and home machines, you will be prompted for the password once again at the moment you send your first outgoing message. Though it may look annoying, it is a security requirement of CailMail service.

Enabling incoming message folders

In pine/alpine terms incoming message folders are server-stored mailboxes other than default INBOX, e.g. Drafts, Sent, Trash, etc. In order to have access to incoming folders, edit the feature-list option in the .pinerc file as follows:


--Steve Sizemore - Unix System Manager 02:18, 29 March 2009 (UTC)