Fast Marching Methods and Ordered Upwind Methods
Fast Marching MethodsFast Marching Methods are the optimal way to solve the Eikonal equationwhich arise in a variety of applications, including front propagation problems in which a front propagates normal to itself with a speed F which depends only on position and is always positive. This includes applications in optics, seismology, path planning and robotic navigation, photolitography and electromagnetics. Introduced in Ref. 1 below, they produce the first arrival viscosity solution of the stationary Hamilton-Jacobi equation. The techniques rely on upwind schemes, the theory of viscosity solutions, causality, and sort algorithms borrowed from computer science. They compute the solution to the Eikonal equation in O(N log N) steps, where N is the total number of points in the computational domain. As well as providing optimal techniques for solving a collection of physical problems, they also provide ways of building and computing extension velocities which are required to couple level set methods to complex physics. Ordered Upwind MethodsFast Marching Methods are designed to track a propagating interface, and find the first arrival of the interface as it passes a point. They also are designed for problems in which the speed of propagation is isotropic: this means that standing at any point, you get to move in any direction with the same speed. That speed can change from point to point, but once you dropped in the domain, there's no preferred direction. This was the setting for the problem of robotic navigation, in which we found the optimal path through and around a set of obstacles.In optimal control , how much it costs to move depends on both where you are standing and also on the direction in which you chose to move. A good example is sailing: the direction of the wind gives a preferred direction, and your speed depends on which direction you choose. There are many physical examples of this, including preferred directions in the etching of microchips and anisotropic propagation of waves in rock. Unfortunately, the Fast Marching Method won't work in this setting. The answer why has to do with how the method really works. In the Fast Marching Method, just like Dijkstra's method, one systematically updates the solution starting from known values, and works from known territory to unknown spots. At each step, one exploits the fact that the perpendicular (or gradient) back to the front is the direction from which information must come. Mathematically, this means that the characteristics are the same as the gradient. The way out of this, that is, the way to keep the idea of Dijkstra's method and a one-pass algorithm is to keep track of the ratio between the fastest and slowest speed at each point. This anisotropy ratio reveals something important: although the information may not come along a trajectory perpendicular to the front, it can't come from very far away. In the figure below, the only trajectories on the front that can send information to the green spot are those that start no further than the anisotropy ratio times the distance to the closest point. This means that one can keep the entire Dijkstra-like one-pass metholodogy, only now it can be extended to anisotropic speeds. These methods are called Ordered Upwind Methods, because they maintain an ordering of the points and systematically compute the solution by relying on known, previously computed information which lies upstream. This means that one can keep the entire Dijkstra-like one-pass metholodogy, only now it can be extended to anisotropic speeds. These methods are called Ordered Upwind Methods, because they maintain an ordering of the points and systematically compute the solution by relying on known, previously computed information which lies upstream.
The Fast Marching Method evolved in part from examining the limit of the narrow band method as the band was reduced to one grid cell. Fast Marching Methods, by taking the perspective of the large body of work on higher order upwind, finite difference approximants from hyperbolic conservation laws, allow for higher order versions on both structured and unstructured meshes. At their core, Fast Marching Methods are most closely related to Dijkstra's method (Ref. 4), which is a classic algorithm for computing the shortest path on a network of links. It too relies on a heap to find the smallest element of the expanding front, and can be thought of as a Huyghen's principle algorithm where the expanding wave is confined to the network paths. It can also be thought of as an upwind finite difference scheme, however the equation it is solving is not the same as the Eikonal equation, and hence the paths it produces are non-unique, unlike the Fast Marching Method. The Fast Marching Method is an upwind finite difference scheme which produces the correct viscosity solution to the Eikonal equation through a causality relationship based on the order of the upwinding. Tsitsikilis was the first to develop a Dijkstra-like method for solving the Eikonal equation: his was a control theory approach (as opposed to the Fast Marching upwind finite difference perspective) to solving the Eikonal equation: it is also a viscosity solution with the same operation count. This leads to a causality relationship based on the optimality criterion rather than on the upwind finite difference operators employed in Fast Marching Methods. In the particular special case of a first order upwind finite difference for the Fast Marching Method on a square mesh, the resulting update equation at each grid point can be seen to be the same quadratic equation obtained through Tsitsikilis's control theoretic approach. There are similarities and differences between this method and the Fast Marching Method: for a detailed examination, see Ref #6 below.
Annotated References:
AbstractWe present a fast marching level set method for monotonically advancing fronts, which leads to an extremely fast scheme for solving the Eikonal equation. Level set methods are numerical techniques for computing the position of propagating fronts. They rely on an initial value partial differential equation for a propagating level set function, and use techniques borrowed from hyperbolic conservation laws. Topological changes, corner and cusp development, and accurate determination of geometric properties such as curvature and normal direction are naturally obtained in this setting. In this paper, we describe a particular case of such methods for interfaces whose speed depends only on local position. The technique works by coupling work on entropy conditions for interface motion, the theory of viscosity solutions for Hamilton-Jacobi equations and fast adaptive narrow band level set methods. The technique is applicable to a variety of problems, including shape-from-shading problems, lithographic development calculations in microchip manufacturing, and arrival time problems in control theory.
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AbstractWe review recent work on level set methods for following the evolution of complex interfaces. These techniques are based on solving an initial value partial differential equations for a level set functions, using techniques borrowed from hyperbolic conservation laws. Topological changes, corner and cusp development, and accurate determination of geometric properties such as curvature and normal direction are naturally obtained in this setting. The methodology results in robust, accurate, and efficient numerical algorithms for propagating interfaces in highly complex settings. We review the basic theory and approximations, describe a hierarchy of fast methods, including an extremely fast marching level set scheme for monotonically advancing fronts, based on a stationary formulation of the problem, and discuss extensions to multiple interfaces and triple points. Finally, we demonstrate the technique applied to a series of examples from geometry, material science and computer vision, including mean curvature flow, minimal surfaces, grid generation, fluid mechanics, and combustion.
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AbstractFast Marching Methods are numerical schemes for computing the solution of the non-linear Eikonal equation and related static Hamilton-Jacobi equations. They provide consistent, accurate, and highly efficient techniques, and are based on entropy-satisfying upwind schemes and fast sorting techniques. The computational complexity of the algorithms is $O(N \log N)$, where $N$ is the total number of points in the domain. These schemes are of use in a variety of applications, including problems in shape offsetting, computing distances from complex curves and surfaces, shape-from-shading, photolithography development, computing first arrivals in seismic travel times, construction of shortest geodesics on surfaces, optimal path planning around obstacles, and visibility and reflection calculations. In this paper, we review the development of these techniques, including the theoretical and numerical underpinnings, provide details of the computational schemes, and demonstrate the techniques in a collection of different areas.
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AbstractWe introduce a family of fast Ordered Upwind Methods (OUMs) for approximating solutions to a wide class of static Hamilton-Jacobi equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Standard techniques often rely on iteration to converge to the solution of a discretized version of the partial differential equation. Our new fast methods avoid iteration through a careful use of the information about the characteristic directions of the underlying PDE. These techniques are of complexity O( M log M), where M is the total number of points in the domain. We consider anisotropic test problems in optimal control, seismology, and paths on surfaces.
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AbstractWe introduce a family of highly efficient (non-iterative) numerical methods for a wide class of hybrid control systems.
The application of Dijkstra's classical method to a discrete optimal trajectory problem on a network obtains the solution in $O( M \log M)$ operations. The key idea behind the method is a careful use of the direction of information propagation, stemming from the optimality principle.
In a series of recent papers, we have introduced a number of Ordered Upwind Methods (OUMs) to efficiently solve the fully anisotropic continuous optimal control problems. These techniques rely on using a partial information on the characteristic directions of the Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman PDE, stemming from the continuous variant of the optimality principle. The resulting non-iterative algorithms have the computational complexity of $O( M \log M)$, where $M$ is the total number of grid points where the solution is computed, regardless of the dimension of the control/state variables.
In this paper, we show how Ordered Upwind Methods may be extended to efficiently solve the hybrid (discrete/continuous) control problems. We illustrate our methods by solving a series of hybrid optimal trajectory problems with and without time-dependence of the speed function.Download publications
AbstractWe develop a family of fast methods to approximate the solutions to a wide class of static Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equations. Numerical solutions to these problems are typically obtained by solving a large system of coupled non-linear discretized equations. Our techniques, which we refer to as ``Ordered Upwind Methods'' (OUM), use partial information about the characteristic directions to de-couple these non-linear systems, greatly reducing the computational labor. Our techniques are considered in the context of control-theoretic and front-propagation problems.
We begin by discussing existing ordered upwind methods, focussing on two designed for isotropic problems. We then introduce a new class of ordered upwind methods which decouple systems for general (anisotropic) problems. We prove convergence of one such scheme to the viscosity solution of the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equation. Next, we introduce a set of hybrid methods based on an analysis of the role played by anisotropy in the context of front propagation and optimal trajectory problems.
The performance of the methods is analyzed and compared to that of several other numerical approaches to these problems. Finally, computational experiments are performed using test problems from control theory, computational geometry and seismology.Download publications