Survey articles
[1] An introduction to the Seiberg-Witten equations on symplectic
four-manifolds (with
C. H. Taubes),
Symplectic geometry and topology (Park City, UT, 1997),
103-142, AMS, 1999. pdf (may differ slightly
from published version)
This expository article is based on Taubes's lectures at Park City,
Utah in July 1997. Lecture 1: Background from differential geometry.
Lecture 2: Spin and the Seiberg-Witten equations. Lecture 3: The
Seiberg-Witten invariants. Lecture 4: The symplectic case, part I.
Lecture 5: The symplectic case, part II.
[2] The isoperimetric problem on surfaces (with H. Howards and F. Morgan),
American Mathematical Monthly 106 (1999),
430-439. (Available online from jstor.)
This article is an elementary survey of isoperimetric theorems on
various surfaces, with a few new proofs.
- [3] Taubes's proof of the Weinstein conjecture in dimension three,
Bulletin of the AMS 47 (2010), 73-125. pdf
- [4] Recent progress on symplectic embedding problems in four
PNAS 108 (2011), 8093-8099, nearly final version at arXiv:1101.1069
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