Philanthropy Thesis Students Awards Board Memberships K-12 Outreach Education/Employment Biographies

Thesis Students

(In chronological order, including non-Berkeley students for whom Berlekamp was principal outside examiner)

Ken Thompson 1966 Berkeley EE, MS
Bell Labs, Lucent, Distinguished Engineer (retired), Google, Mountain View, CA

Dilip Sarwate, 1970 Princeton EE, PhD
Professor of Electrical Engineering
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (Retired)

Yusuf Tayabjee, 1972 Berkeley EE, MS

Oscar Moreno, 1973 Berkeley math, PhD

Robert Li, 1974 Berkeley math, PhD
Professor and Former Chairman, Department of Information Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Larry Carter, 1974 Berkeley math, PhD
Professor and Former Chairman, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, UCSD

Dennis Baggi, 1974 Berkeley EECS, PhD

Dean Hickerson, 1980 Berkeley math, PhD
Mathematics, UC Davis

David Richman, 1980 Berkeley math, PhD
Professor of Mathematics, University of South Carolina
Deceased 1991 (see GONC p. 437)

Po Tong, 1982 Berkeley Math, PhD
Texas Instruments, San Jose, CA

Earl Cohen, 1982 Berkeley EECS, MS, PhD
CTO, Bit Microsystems

George Zunich, 1983 Berkeley EECS, MS
Mission Research Corporation

Shyam Parekh, 1984 Berkeley EECS, MS

Robin Pemantle, 1984 Berkeley math, honors BS
Professor of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania

Jorge Nuno Silva, 1991 Berkeley math, MS
Professor of Mathematics, University of Lisbon - Portugal

David Wolfe, 1992 Berkeley EECS, PhD
Professor of Mathematics & CS, Formerly Gustavus Adolphus College, St Peter, MN
Now at Sheepdog, Inc, Halifax, Nova Scotia

David Moews, 1993 Berkeley Math, PhD
Cryptographer, IDA CCR, La Jolla, CA

Dan Garcia, 1995 Berkeley EECS, MS
Professor of Computer Science, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA

Yonghoan Kim, 1995 Berkeley Math, PhD
Asst VP/Financial Engineer, Derivatives and Financial Products Group, Société Générale

Martin Müller, 1995 ETH Zurich CS, PhD, with Berlekamp as the outside examiner.
1996-1997 post-doc at ICSI. Now Professor of Computer Science, University of Alberta.
His notable students include David Silver (PhD 2009) and Aja Huang (Postdoc 2011-12), leaders of the major Artificial Intelligence breakthrough, AlphaGo

Kuo-Yuen Kao, 1996 UNCC (Charlotte), PhD

Amit Sahai, 1996 Berkeley math, Honors BS
Professor of Computer Science, UCLA

Tan Swee Heng, 1999 Berkeley math, MS
Defense Department of Singapore

Katherine (Scott) Copersino, 2000 Berkeley math, MS

Julia Kempe, 2001 Berkeley math, PhD
Director of NYU Center for Data Science

David DesJardins, 2001 Berkeley math, PhD
Cryptographer, IDA CCR, Princeton, NJ
Google, Mountain View, CA and Blachman/DesJardins Foundation

Bill Fraser, 2003 Berkeley math, PhD
Digimarc Corporation, Staff Software Engineer, Beaverton, OR

George Snatzke, 2004 Augsburg PhD

Aaron N. Siegel, 2005 Berkeley math, PhD
His treatise, "Combinatorial Game Theory", is now the definitive work on that subject.