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International Journal of Radiation Biology 71, 1-19, 1997

Review: proximity effects in the production of chromosome aberrations by ionizing radiation.


After ionizing radiation induces DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), misrejoining produces chromosome aberrations. Aberration yields are influenced by "proximity" effects, i.e. by the dependence of misrejoining probabilities on initial DSB separations. We survey proximity effects, emphasizing implications for chromosome aberration formation mechanisms, for chromatin geometry, and for dose-response relations. Evidence for proximity effects comes from observed biases for centric rings and against three-way interchanges, relative to dicentrics or translocations. Other evidence comes from the way aberration yields depend on radiation dose and quality, tightly-bunched ionizations being relatively effective. We conclude: (1) misrejoining probabilities decrease as the distance between DSBs at the time of their formation increases, and almost all misrejoining occurs among DSBs initially separated by less than 1/3 of a cell nucleus diameter; (2) chromosomes occupy (irregular) territories during the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle, having dimensions also roughly 1/3 of a cell nucleus diameter; (3) proximity effects have the potential to probe how much different chromosomes intertwine or move relative to each other; (4) incorporating proximity effects into the classic random breakage-and-reunion model allows quantitative interrelation of yields for many different aberration types and of data obtained with various FISH painting methods or whole-genome scoring.

Indexing phrases: Chromosome Exchanges; Ionizing Radiation; Chromatin Geometry; Illegitimate Recombination; Double Strand Break Interaction Distances


Subjecting cells to ionizing radiation during the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle causes chromosome-type aberrations, through chromosome breakage and large-scale rearrangement of the pieces. At various times, chromosome aberrations have been suggested as symptoms and/or causes of most major radiobiological effects (surveys in Cornforth and Bedford 1993). They are of particular interest in connection with biodosimetry (e.g. Bender et al. 1988, Lucas et al. 1992, Bauchinger 1995, Gebhart et al. 1996, Durante et al. 1996) or as indicators of radiosensitivity (e.g. Wlodek and Hittelman 1988, Russell et al. 1995, Jones et al. 1995). Certain chromosome aberrations are strongly linked with most hematopoietic cancers (Rabbitts 1995).
It is probable (Cornforth and Bedford 1993; see also Section 2 below) that most chromosome aberrations result from illegitimate reunion ("misrejoining") of free ends from different DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). Accepting this picture, one finds that aberration formation is influenced by "proximity" effects, i.e. effects which occur because DSB free ends are more likely to undergo illegitimate reunion if the DSBs are initially formed close together than if the DSBs are formed far apart (Sax 1940, survey in Savage 1996). Proximity effects can be inferred by analyzing aberration yields as a function of aberration type, of radiation quality, or of dose.
Proximity effects influence relative yields of different types of aberrations, because any one chromosome at one time is somewhat localized in an irregular territory (or "domain") during G0/G1, rather than being spread out more or less uniformly over the whole cell nucleus (Appendix 2). For example, compared to expectations based on complete randomness, proximity effects bias for centric rings, which involve two DSBs on one (localized) chromosome, relative to dicentrics, which involve two DSBs on two different chromosomes. It is remarkable that chromosome aberration data suggested reasonable models for chromosome localization (Sax 1940, Savage and Papworth 1973) long before modern methods gave direct confirmation that chromosomes do occupy localized territories during G0/G1 (Appendix 2).
Proximity effects influence relative aberration yields for radiations of different quality inasmuch as radiations producing tightly bunched DSBs, such as high LET (i.e. densely-ionizing) radiations, are more effective than low LET radiations at producing aberrations (survey in Goodhead 1987). Proximity effects also enhance the importance of the nearby DSB pairs induced by a single primary radiation track, compared to the relatively distant DSB pairs induced by different primary radiation tracks, an effect which can be uncovered by varying the dose (survey in Kellerer 1985).
The advent of fluorescent \fIin situ\fR hybridization (FISH) chromosome painting has dramatically increased the scope of aberration studies (survey in Gray et al. 1994, Simpson and Savage 1996). Detailed results on many types of simple or complex aberrations have been obtained, and more sophisticated painting techniques (Ballard and Ward 1993) promise to reveal additional aspects of aberrations and proximity effects.
We shall here review some current ideas on proximity effects. Damage leading to loss or transfer of chromosome portions smaller than 1 Mb (one million base pairs) will not be considered directly, since the resolution afforded by light microscopy is not adequate for routine detection of such "small" scale phenomena. Moreover, to keep the review focussed, no detailed discussion of related endpoints such as chromatid aberrations, clonogenic inactivation, mutations, or length distributions of broken DNA fragments will be given; some premature chromosome condensation (PCC) results will be discussed, but only those on the kinetics of aberration formation. Section 2 outlines some background, terminology, and models needed to interpret chromosome aberration data. Section 3 concerns evidence for proximity effects, based on the relative frequencies of particular aberration types, on the relative effectiveness of different qualities of radiation, on the dose dependence of aberration formation, and on cell-to-cell variation of aberration number. Section 4 briefly discusses the relations of proximity effects to the kinetics of aberration formation. After summarizing the results, Section 5 discusses some implications for cell nucleus ultrastructure and for applications. Three appendices respectively discuss: (a) randomness of DSB induction and of DSB free end illegitimate reunion; (b) current information on large-scale chromosome geometry and motion; and (c), dose-response relations.
Many of the basic ideas throughout this review were first clarified by D.E. Lea, more than a half-century ago (Lea 1946).

International Journal of Radiation Biology 71, 1-19, 1997. R.K. SACHS & A.M. CHEN Dept. Math., University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. D.J. BRENNER Center for Radiological Research, Columbia University, New York, NY 10032.
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