Mathematics 256B---Algebraic Geometry

MWF, 31 Evans, 11:10--12:00

You can check my calendar here.

Arthur Ogus

This will be a continuation of 256A, taught with a similar philosophy. However I will follow Hartshorne more closely, except for some excursions to dicuss derived categories and the étale topology, probably not in a very detailed manner.


Here is a very tentative schedule showing the topics I hope to cover. You can use this to judge if the course will be of interest to you, and perhaps to read ahead of the lectures. This schedule is subject to change, based on the interests of the participants.

Schedule of Topics


Complexes, cones, and triangles

Vanishing of cohomology

Zeroes and Poles of Zeta Functions


Curves: Hartshorne, IV: 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.8. 1.9


Complexes and Cones

Sheaf Cohomology